Daily Diary – January 1 2010

Happy New Year. Rabbit rabbit. Welcome to 2010!

I hope you welcomed the new year in a way that makes you happy. We relaxed, watched movies together and fell asleep shortly before 11pm. My back’s been in exceptional pain lately and since I’m nursing, I can’t really take anything stronger than Advil which makes life a bit more painful than I’d like.

We took a nice, short walk this morning (for one of my 52 Things project items). I snapped the photo above and these 3 of my boys while we were out:

Then I spent most of the day scrapbooking but it was all slow progress due to my back. Oh well, this, too, shall pass. I am happy to welcome 2010. I am confident this is going to be a most fantastic year.

Note to Self:
I need to slow down more. When I stress, my body tenses and then I injure my weakest muscles (my jaw and my back) which then causes me pain and forces me to slow down but I can’t enjoy it because I am in pain. I need to realize that I have two kids (one of which is a baby) who need and deserve attention and not as much is going to get done in this particular phase of my life. That’s ok. It’s time to slow down and enjoy my kids. Soon they will be gone and I will wish they were here to distract me. So, note to self: slow down. Breathe. Enjoy the kids. Be patient with and kind to self and family.

Three things I’m grateful for today:
1. Really good scissors. I did a lot of detailed cutting today and the little cutter bee scissors I have were fantastic.
2. My husband carrying Nathaniel up and down the stairs instead of me so my back wouldn’t hurt more.
3. YouTube for teaching me how to knit in the round.

8 comments to Daily Diary – January 1 2010

  • I love your picture, goals, blog and your work is amazing .. love your word for 2010. Happy New Year

  • Lisa

    “really good sissors” – that made me smile. Karen when I had my second baby (2005) I didn’t get scrapbooking of much significant done for about 18 months. A few pages here and there, and they weren’t that good. It’s awesome what you achieve in a week and it’s great stuff too.

  • Kim

    Love that necklace you showed us yesterday. So, so sweet. I can understand the whole seeing it and not being able to let the image go. Slowing down is good as is letting go. I’ve learned to let go of the messes in the house (most of the time anyway), which was challenging for me as the Virgo Tidier is pretty strong in my personality. Now I just go through fits and starts of tidying/cleaning and the rest of the time keep my personal space as I like it. It frees my time up for all kinds of other things to enjoy when I’m not doing that kind of fretting.

  • Karen

    Happy New Year! I love your photography (today’s photo is so beautful), your art, and your wonderful lists. Finding your blog was one of 2009’s great finds. Between your class and your blog, I’ve been able to really think through how I want to spend 2010. Thanks for the inspiration and direction.

  • Monika Wright

    I have had my 50mm lens on for about a week now. I wondered if you shoot in RAW, or Program mode or if you set everything yourself? I have had some problems getting things focused…maybe I’m shooting too far away. I will have some wonderfully great shots and then some that aren’t so wonderful. I will persevere and will be diligent about learning all the fancy things my camera (40D Canon) will do once the kids are back in school. You’ve inspired me to find ways to capture more light in my photos. Thanks for your help.

    • karenika

      Monika, I do shoot in RAW. For outdoor shots it doesn’t matter too much because I live in California and have enough sun/light all year round but I also shoot a lot indoors (mostly pics of my family) and in all sorts of lighting situations. RAW makes it considerably easier to change my White Balance later so I don’t have undesired color casts on my photos. I decided to switch to RAW just to try it out about a year ago and I got hooked on it and have stuck with it. (i originally worried the files would be too large and the processing time would be too long. The files are a bit large but I just bought a bigger backup drive and I delete more and the processing time is actually only seconds longer.) As far as the mode, I almost exclusively shoot in Av mode (aperture priority, where I decide the aperture and the camera decides the shutter speed) and almost always leave my aperture at 1.8. There are some exceptions but that’s my most common setting.

      I have many shots that are not so wonderful too 🙂 I just don’t post or keep those. I take hundreds of shots on most days and only keep a third or so. So just keep that in mind too. 🙂

  • Rabbit! I haven’t heard that in years, thanks for triggering old brain cells. Love the top picture, red berries this time of year is always a gift. Happy New Year

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