Daily Diary – January 6 2010

And finally a not-so-terrible day! Not that it was fantastic mind you, but I felt more relaxed, less rushed, and more at peace today in general. I did have a doctor’s appointment and had to wait for an hour before I was told the doctor was sick and I had to reschedule for February. Fun! But otherwise, the day we more productive than it’s been lately. And I’ve been feeling less hurried.

Though, it was a bad-photo day. I snapped this one of David playing the Wii while Nathaniel watched (and ate the remotes)

And a B/W of the little boy. But I am not a big fan of either photo. What can you do? Some days are like that.

And I finally booked my hotel for CHA. Yey. Third year in a row.

Note to Self:
I’ve been driving more slowly, more mindfully lately. I always worry about getting David to school on time, picking him up on time, not letting Nathaniel fall asleep in the car. And I fid myself rushing all the time. But for the last three days, I’ve been slowing down, not passing cars that are a bit slow and just reminding myself that it’s ok if I am three minutes late. As it turns out, I am never late and I make it there in about the same time I would have if I rushed. Yet, I feel so much calmer and more peaceful.

Three things I’m grateful for today:
1. A nice and motivating conversation with my friend Lori. Lori’s awesome and she always knows how to say the right thing when I need to hear it. Thank you for always cheering me on, Lori.
2. Kindness of others. I had to do some technical changes at work quickly and people have gone out of their way to help me. I love it when people are responsive and on the ball. (Especially when I’m having the opposite experience on a situation about my home.)
3. Nathaniel’s naps been relatively well aligned with David’s school. This is something that really stresses me usually but it’s been working smoothly so far and I am utterly grateful to not have to sit in the car while he sleeps and to get a few hours of uninterrupted work while he naps.

2 comments to Daily Diary – January 6 2010

  • Stefanie

    Hello there
    I love the top photo, so much context there and those cute baby toes peeking out of his babygro …delightful.
    I think these are the photos you’ll treasure the most in 10 or 20 years time.
    They’re the ones about which you’ll say “remember when…”
    You made me smile today – thanks.

  • janel

    I too remember feeling rushed all the time…even rushing from one part of the grocery store to the other, rushing and hoping the red light would turn green, because I needed to get home. Things do change…and now believe it or not, sometimes I wish I was in rush mode..simply because those were the days when I had my kids close and under my wings! You are doing all the right things…breathe, breathe, breathe. You reminded me today of how very wonderful my “rush” days were. Hang in there.

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