A Book a Week – Noah’s Compass

Anne Tyler is my favorite writer. I love her. I love her books. I love the ordinariness of her characters and how their small lives suck me in. How much I love living in her worlds and how sad I am when they are over. When I heard Noah’s Compass was coming out, I was so excited. Another novel by Tyler. She does write consistently but she’s not so prolific. You have to be patient. I wish she wrote six books a year, I can never get enough.

Noah’s Compass was no exception. I read it in one day. I wished there was more. I felt like I was living in the world of her characters. It made me think about growing old. About the choices I make. About how much presence matters. Being present in your own life. Being there. now. Being here. now. Taking it all in. Being accountable. How very much it all matters.

I love this book. I need to go back and read some of her older books now. She’s so very magnificent.

1 comment to A Book a Week – Noah’s Compass

  • Kim

    I’m glad you pointed this one out. I loved Digging to America, and many of her others. I’ll have to check out the library. One of the advantages of living in a predominantly non-English area is good choice of English books at the library. I just returned Lorrie Moore’s A Gate at the Stairs and have put Kingsolver’s The Lacuna on reserve and I’m the first on the list for that.

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