Daily Diary – January 12 2010

Well I finally got around to doing the todo list and let me tell you, it didn’t make me feel better. Maybe it’s cause there are 53 items on there. Ugh. Well at least now it’s all on paper and I can slowly start churning through them all.

Relatively good day today, got some work done, got some personal stuff done, only a few meltdowns in the house, what more can I ask for, right?

Here’s the little boy. He’s so so cute, I cannot help but kiss him all day long. I don’t understand how some moms can wear lipstick. How do you kiss your baby all the time if you have lipstick on?

Well I won’t linger too long, got lots to do.

Note to Self:
It’s amazing how a tiny good thing can give you an energy jolt. A small case of output being higher than expected. A teeny good news. Anything really. Just like one insignificant fight can ruin the day. It feels like my psyche is so fragile, so easily influenced. This is something I need to work on, at least on the down side. Understanding that things happen and they don’t mean anything. I plow onward and upward.

I also tend to take on other people’s bad moods. If David is sad or Jake or Nathaniel and I can’t fix it. It ruins my day. Even if I wasn’t the cause of it, because I can’t fix it, I decide it’s my fault and soon I am even more depressed than they are. Which is stupid and it’s doesn’t help. Something else I have to work on. Add it to the list.

Three things Iā€™m grateful for today:
1. My list. As long as it is, there’s nothing like seeing it all in front of you. Now it’s much more likely to get done.
2. Creative Therapy. I was working on tomorrow’s catalyst post tonight and I love seeing all the art. I love how diverse our team is. I love the guests we have. I love what the site represents to me. I love that we’ve been doing it week in and week out for 96 weeks. That’s a long time. I am so proud of that site. So proud of that tiny lot in cyperspace.
3. Leftovers. Since we had guests last night, we got some delicious Turkish food and there were plenty of leftovers which I ate for lunch and dinner. Nothing like delicious Turkish food.

2 comments to Daily Diary – January 12 2010

  • Hi Karen,

    I have been following your blog recently. I love your artwork and the books you work in. I also appreciate how you share about wordpress. I am currently creating a blog in wordpress for work. Each one of my pages has the same address? Can you point me to a tutorial or book that will help me in my adventure. šŸ™‚ I am driving blind.

    I follow the Creative Therapy site but have yet to apply myself to your prompts. My plan is to make a book like you just finished and use it for the prompts. Again thanks for sharing some much of what you do.


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