Daily Diary – January 18 2010

Well those last 8 items didn’t get done today after all. I managed only four. Eh that’s not so bad. Halfway there. Today started on a grouchy note but ended well and now I feel calm and relaxed. This week’s going to be a short week at work and I have to be super-productive tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me.

Nathaniel is quite squirmy. Especially when I have him on his back, he always tries to go back to being on his hands and knees. Today, he was sitting with me on the couch when he spotted something and went after it. As he sat up and started chewing David’s superman, David ran up to stand behind him on the couch so he wouldn’t fall backwards. I swear he did it all by himself. And the kiss, too.

He even grabbed the paper on Nathaniel’s hand to make sure he wouldn’t eat it.

Can anyone ask for a kinder, better brother? I think not.

Note to Self: I’ve realized that I still spend a lot of time thinking about the “next thing.” The next minute, the next activity, the next todo list item. The meal, the changing, the nap, the bath, the book. I focus so much on what’s next that I don’t spend enough time cherishing what’s now. I don’t slow down enough. This is something I need to work on. Being in the now. This was one of the things I wanted to focus on more in 2010. The whole reason I started the “note to self” section, so I can be more aware. So I can pay attention.

Three things I’m grateful for today:
1. Skype. I spend a lot of time chatting both with my mom and my sister on skype. It’s how both my kids get to “see” my parents and sister so regularly. It has changed the way we live. I am so thankful for it.
2. Video monitor. When David was a baby, we never bought a video monitor, just an audio one and then at around two, he went through this phase where he’d strip naked after we put him in the crib. After the second time we found him naked and covered in pee, we tried several tricks and of course he mastered all pretty quickly. So we finally bought a video monitor so that we could run in there as soon as he began to strip. It worked like a charm and it made me realize how much I’d been missing out. The peace of mind that comes with being able to see the baby is literally priceless. Highly highly recommended for anyone who has a baby. I cherish mine.
3. Yesterday, when I was at Ikea, I bough a sixpack of their cinnamon rolls. Four of them are already gone. Sweet, delicious snacks make me happy. Yum.

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