Daily Diary – January 20 2010

We decided a day with flash floods, tornado warnings, and torrential rain would be a great time to take a car trip with the kids. Don’t you agree?

The one wonderful thing about all the rain we’ve been getting in California is that it’s made everything a lush green which is stunning to look at. I snapped this photo while Jake was driving 60 and used my little point-and-shoot so it’s not the best but it shows you how green it was.

And look at the tumbleweeds.

We ended up being in the car for fourteen hours and it was way way dark by the time we got to the condo so this was the only Nathaniel shot I have. Better than nothing I guess.

It was a long and pretty scary day but we made it safe and sound and since we got here there’s been so much snow that our car is already buried under it and you can’t see it. All this for a super-short vacation. Oh well. It’s nice for the kids to see all the snow.

Note to Self:
It was a long day. I realized that as I was getting more tired that I was getting more and more anxious. I think getting tired just makes everything feel so much more complicated and overwhelming. Which made me wonder what would happen if I weren’t as tired as I’ve been for the last year. It’s been so long since I’ve had a night of solid sleep that I wonder how much lighter I will feel when I am getting some high quality sleep again.

Three things I’m grateful for today:
1. For the fourteen hours we drove, the kids were total champs in the car. No whining, no tantrums, I am so very blessed.
2. Jake was also a total star today. He woke up at 5:30 and drove all of us in crazy, stupid weather for fourteen hours. He put cables in the car (learned how to do it right there while he was doing it, in the dark.) He was a total champ the whole way too. He’s just amazing.
3. Honestly, I am just thankful we made it safely. While it was never dangerous, I just wasn’t so happy with how bad the weather was so I am glad we’re here safe and sound.

1 comment to Daily Diary – January 20 2010

  • “Note to Self:
    It was a long day. I realized that as I was getting more tired that I was getting more and more anxious. I think getting tired just makes everything feel so much more complicated and overwhelming. Which made me wonder what would happen if I weren’t as tired as I’ve been for the last year. It’s been so long since I’ve had a night of solid sleep that I wonder how much lighter I will feel when I am getting some high quality sleep again.”

    You will. My husband has started snoring in the past months habitually. I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in all those months. He went away on a business trip and I was a whole new mom. It’s unbelievable the difference it will make. I didn’t think it would make that kind of difference, it does.

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