Daily Diary – February 5 2010

Good day. Good, good day!

I did get some work done today. I am still not caught up from the Big Bear disaster but I am feeling optimistic. Still a bit nervous for next week, but really trying to take it all one day at a time.

Little boy is still chewing everything like crazy. Especially David’s toys and the remotes. The Wii ones are his favorites.

We had playgroup today and there were nine babies and David had his friend Inidiana over and it was so much fun just having everyone here and seeing all the babies that live in our neighborhood. Quite wonderful for Nathaniel that he will grow up with so many friends.

And then I sat and finished my A Million Memories February layouts. Seven in all. Quite fun despite the fact that I thought I wouldn’t be able to do much at all. Not a lot of journaling this month, either. Quite unusual for me.

I’m up later than I’ve been in a long time. Tomorrow is a hair appointment and Sunday is David’s birthday party. Otherwise, this should be a quiet weekend. Or so I hope.

Happy Weekend.

Note to Self:
I had such a happy moment about work today. There was an article published in slate about our browser. (here) It’s one of many many and I am so proud of this product. Sure it has flaws but still. The goal, the ambition is so audacious. The team is so excellent. I am just so glad to have anything to do with it. I am so grateful they let me work from home and worked with me to help me get setup. So so happy. Sometimes, I stress and I forget all this. It’s good to write it down.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Work. Have I mentioned it already?
2. I am grateful it’s the weekend and I have nothing too overwhelming planned. It’s nice to have that to look forward to.
3. I am thankful for my son. The older one. His birthday is coming up and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

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