Daily Diary – February 23 2010

Today started out great. Most mornings the baby wakes up at 6 or so and I get up with him but I can’t mentally wake up until hours later so the first few hours of the day are dead hours I waste. This morning, I decided to take a shower after I nursed him. Awake or not. And then I came down and did some art. Made me feel good right away. And I was on a high from that all day so even the dreadfully depressing weather didn’t upset me.

But then the day went sour sometime in the afternoon and I could not recover. So I am planning to go to sleep early tonight and rest and see if I can tackle tomorrow more optimistically.

Here are the boys. Nathaniel is still a big fan of visiting David and his DVD player and eating off of his table.

David’s not such a fan of Nathaniel touching his player, though.

Note to Self:
I’ve been thinking a lot about being me lately. I was reading Gretchen’s post about her first commandment: Be Gretchen. And I think I struggle with this a lot. Being happy with me. Letting myself be me. Being comfortable in my skin. I think these are important for my happiness and for me to be a good model to my kids. It’s something I really need to work on.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My friend Lori. Thank you Lori for talking to me for so long tonight. And being there.
2. My husband who listens to me when I want to talk and respects me when I don’t. He’s a better man than I on any day.
3. Kindness. I am grateful today for all the kind people around me. Kindness is a quality I’ve come to cherish more than most others.

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