Daily Diary – February 24 2010

Much better day today. And we’re already almost on the weekend. I am still enjoying Teresa’s class a lot and I love learning new stitches. I am not that worried about my sampler turning out magnificent, I am just focusing on practicing my stitches and having fun. I’ve already had to cut out my sampler from last week since it had to go on a different section (for last week’s project.)

I love these photos of Nathaniel. Pensive and quiet. It’s so breathtaking to me.

I must say that while he has his moments, he is generally such an easy going kid. Two of those? How did I get so blessed?

Since last week’s project worked so well, I decided to do a catalyst a night this week so that I could get ahead on some of my upcoming creative therapy catalysts and so far, I’ve done magnificently. Two on Monday, and one each yesterday and today. So far, so good. Today, like yesterday, I got up, nursed the baby, showered and got down to work on my art. These pages are small and quick but they still make me happy. This system of doing one thing every night for a week is working quite well for me so far. (This is my third round since I did the sew every day for a week two weeks ago, too.) I think I might pick something next week, too. Though, it has prevented me from getting as much reading done as I’d like so maybe next week I’ll just read every day. I also expect a rough week at work so we’ll see.

How’s your week going?

Note to Self
Jake and I instituted one night a week where for one hour we “get stuff done.” We make a list of a bunch of stuff we’ve been meaning to do but postponing for many reasons. (Like eat the frog kind of stuff where it’s stuff you dread but will make you feel awesome when it’s done.) And then we just do each item on the list. Some weeks it takes a little longer and it’s usually painful but it always feels magnificent afterwards.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I’m grateful that I’ve been able to do art in the morning, two days in a row now because it’s really a perfect way to start my day.
2. Good friends like Katie and Chris. It brightens my day to talk to them even when the subjects are hard and sad. Or good and happy.
3. My mom and dad. It’s so fun getting to video chat with them everyday as I feed my kids lunch. It’s almost like they are in the room with us and it’s really one of the highlights of my day.

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