A Book A Week – NurtureShock

I’ve attempted to read several Po Bronson books. He always tends to write about subjects I’m interested in. Back when I worked on Wall Street, he’d written about bonds. Then, as I was struggling about what career to move to, he wrote about exactly that. But somehow I’ve never been able to actually finish one of his books.

So when I read about NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children I thought it might be worth another try. Since my method of listening to non-fiction and reading fiction is working so well so far, I thought maybe it might do the trick.

And it did.

I listened to the whole book and enjoyed all of it. I cringed through some of it (like where it talks about teenagers and lying) but I thought all of it was very thought provoking. As with many studies, I am sure some of these have biased samples or other flaws. I am sure a bunch of others will be proven otherwise in a year or five. Etc. etc. But still, I thought everything they talked about was interesting and worth considering and thinking about.

Any book that gets me thinking, that gives me a new perspective, a new set of tools for my kids is worth reading in my opinion.

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