Daily Diary – March 5 2010

Sick of tulips yet? You know I’m not 🙂

So the little boy is finally better (I know I’ve said this before.) He’s still a bit clingy but appears to be a lot happier in general. I know this is a serious shot but isn’t it so pretty?

And he’s playing a lot too. Yep, making a huge mess.

And there’s the smile.

I must say I am glad this week’s over. It was a long 10 days for me and I am ready to rest and relax. This weekend is reserved for reading, crafting with David, and digging into some of the new art books I bought. And some stitching so I can finish my workshop. I sort of broke my sampler into two since I put the other one into the WIL project. So I am going to have to catch up and then add some of the bits from week 1. That’s ok. I love doing this. I even bought an embroidery book. So I just plan to spend the weekend with my little ones, hugging, reading, crafting, relaxing. Oh and I have a shoot on Sunday. I haven’t had a family shoot in a while so I am nervous but also excited.

Note to Self:
There’s a project I am trying to start for next week (or maybe the one after) and it’s sort of growing and becoming all-encompassing which is making the whole thing considerably harder to take on. But I am resisting the idea of making the project smaller. So I decided to just take a step back and maybe let myself sleep on it. I’ve found that my best ideas come right as I am falling asleep or actually in my sleep. And I think I need to let myself do that more often. Stop and let time help me out a bit.

I’m also thinking about my list of 52 things. There are some things I want to add, and some I already know I am not doing. (Or there’s a really small chance). So should I change the list? Is it ok to add but not to remove? Is that cheating? I can’t decide 🙂 Maybe I’ll keep them all there but add and gray out the ones I don’t think I’ll do. Or maybe I’ll let the year go on and I might change my mind about those items I think I won’t do? Lol. Maybe I am over-thinking this?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I went to Joann’s today with both the boys to get some fabric. They were both so amazingly well-behaved that several people commented. I am so grateful for my wonderful boys.
2. I am grateful that I had to do the release a few times this week so now I feel like I know things much better. I needed the practice and will get some next week, too.
3. I am grateful for wonderfully inspiring books. There are some that just make me want to stop time and play and play and play with my art supplies. There’s nothing like a fresh batch of inspiration. I am also grateful for fabric. The texture is so good for my soul.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. David got to buy two coloring books from Joann’s and he worked on them as soon as we got home.
2. He also got to have hot chocolate this morning.

I’ve noticed that his are often about buying or eating things…

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