Daily Diary – March 7 2010

Yes, I am learning to crochet. It’s HARD! hard hard hard.

Nathaniel’s having a little detachment problems lately and he seems to think that 5am is a perfectly ok time to wake up. So today started on a rough note. And then I had a photo shoot at 8:45 which meant I missed the morning nap which is usually my relaxing time. And my arms are hurting like crazy from the stitching I’ve been doing which makes me ultra sad since I have a long list of things I want to do that require my arm. Ugh.

David played some more Wii today. Yep, he gets to play 45 mins a day or so. I think it’s better than watching TV.

Nathaniel is eating a lot by himself now. Bread and cookies and fruit and cheese and turkey and chicken. He’s doing great!

And here I am watching the Oscars and yes I will be stitching in a few minutes and yes it will hurt my arm and no I don’t care. I’m on release again this week so it promises to be a long week which means I need to relax.

Note to Self:
This arm pain is new to me. I’ve never suffered from carpal tunnel and I hope it won’t start now. I know I am supposed to rest it but that’s ridiculous, how can I do anything without my arm? I’m frustrated and dejected. I cannot imagine how others live with this. Please, please let it be temporary.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I had a shoot today. It was challenging in a lot of ways but I love being with the families and sharing in their private family time and getting a glimpse of their wonderful life and getting to capture it.
2. I am delighted that I got to crochet a bit today. Grateful for a clear, well detailed book my mother in law gave me.
3. I love love love award shows. Always have! When I was in Turkey I used to wake up at 4am just to watch them. Yey for the Oscars!

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Wii. Wii. Wii. It would make the list everyday.
2. Daddy reading to him. (They’re reading the Little House on the Prairie.)

10 comments to Daily Diary – March 7 2010

  • Vel

    Oh, you will be great at crocheting. I learned as a girl and picked it back up again recently. I only knew two stitches so I’ve been watching videos and reading tutorials to learn how to do flowers and stuff. But I’m making good progress on a big blanket I’m working on…and that’s my way of saying if I can do it anyone can!

    PS. I adore your photos, even if I don’t always leave a comment saying so. Your boys are so precious.

  • Cheryl

    If you’re finding crochet difficult, check how you’re holding your needle and if your needle eye is large enough for your yarn. Crochet can easily cause carpal tunnel. My recommendation is hot compresses wrapped around your wrist.

    If I learned to crochet, anyone can. It really is easy.

    Besides, your sample looks great!

  • Jan

    I don’t crochet,but I knit and do needlepoint. All that repetitive action can make your wrist sore. I wear a Lycra wrist guard now every time I do needlework and have found that it really helps. You can find one at any drug store and they are not very expensive. I hope this helps because I know how frustrating it can be not to be able to use your hands to create.

  • anne

    helal sana kafana bir sey koydunmu yaparsin krose senin icinoyuncak olur seni cok seviyorum opucukler

  • PatP

    Hi Karen,

    I have Carpel Tunnel too, mine is manageable for the most part, even though I’m in accounting and on the computer a lot. The best things I can do for mine (and I’ve had it for years) are: 2-3 Days of high doses of Ibuprofin (600mg) every 4 hours. That may not be an option for you with Nathaniel still nursing. Also, when it’s bad they have wrist braces at the drug store, that help if you just wear them at night. People have a tendancy to turn their wrists inward when they sleep, and that just aggrevates the area. Also, take frequent breaks when you are doing things that stress it. I hope some of that helps. Have a good week!

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