Daily Diary – March 10 2010

I finally finished my stitching sampler and I love how it turned out. More on this on Saturday.

I am really enjoying doing this art challenge. In the last three days, I’ve played with fabric, pastels, stitching, copic markers, felt, beads, and wires. And I’m not even done yet. It’s awesome to get to have so much fun. Exactly what I was hoping for, for my journal. I am going to continue working on the journal for a few more weeks. Maybe I’ll do it two nights a week or something so it’s not so consuming. Or maybe I will just let it consume me.

Nathaniel is still being really clingy and quite grouchy about what he eats. I am hoping it’s recovery and antibiotics related and that it will go away. I just hate seeing him sad and frustrated so much. Not that I don’t get many many smiles, too.

At some point today, I had to put him down next to David who was playing and they just sat there next to each other and played and then they looked at each other and smiled and I just felt so grateful for my life all over again. I feel that way every night in the bath, too. And then Nathaniel just discovered that he can lift the curtains in his room and see light and look out the window and he loves doing that at bedtime now. So he and David looked out the window for a while together, too. I love watching them be together. So. much.

Note to Self:
Today was my friend Levent’s birthday. (I mentioned him in a recent catalyst. He was the first person I loved and he’s still one of my favorite people in the world.) I called him first thing in the morning and we talked for a long time. It had been quite a while since we chatted and it was so great to talk to him. There’s something magical about old friends. About the ease with which you talk and the comfort you feel about not ever having to be something you’re not. There’s a small chance I might see him in a month and the possibility fills me with joy.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My chat with Levent. It started my day on such a great mood.
2. Some happy mail today. DMC floss and Copic markers. Yey!
3. Oh and I bought a piece of art today. If you have read my blog for more than a day, you know that I’m a big fan of Rebecca Sower and I’ve been staking her etsy store for a while now and when I saw this piece, I had to have it. I actually have that book and saw it in there first. I don’t know if it’s the little boys or the cream color that I love so much but I can’t wait to get it. I am grateful for inspiring, beautiful art.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Snack time at school (bagels and cuties – which is what he calls tangerines.)
2. Playing with Jakie’s speedracer. (it was share day today where kids are allowed to bring a toy to share.)

2 comments to Daily Diary – March 10 2010

  • Monika Wright

    Guess what? I think you are just as talented as Rebecca Sower and could have easily created that wonderful piece of art yourself. Don’t cut yourself short. You have talents and aren’t afraid to experiment and try new things. Very admirable! And, don’t you forget it.

    • karenika

      you’re very kind to say that. thank you. i decided i just love having art by people i admire around me. and i love supporting them. they give me such inspiration, it’s the least i can do.

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