Daily Diary – April 4 2010

Wanted to play around a bit today.

Despite the fact that I’m Jewish, we celebrate Easter in this house. For years it’s been a lot of fun for David and we wanted Nathaniel to have a ton of fun, too. They woke up early in the morning so we decided to save the egg hunting until after Nathaniel’s nap. As it turned out, he took a 3-hour nap and then woke up with a 102 fever. (Which likely means he has another ear infection I’m guessing….) I picked him up, nursed him, gave him some medicine and brought him downstairs for some hunting.

I’d setup the plastic eggs so the yellow and orange ones are for Nathaniel and the rest are for David. After we put him down, Nathaniel was so tired that he just sat there. Not sure what was going on.

Not David, of course. He knew exactly what this was about.

He was so excited and took less than 8 minutes to find all 15 eggs.

Jake tried to encourage Nathaniel by showing him what was inside his eggs.

He ate them just fine.

But he still wouldn’t crawl and get them. So David, once he’d picked up all of his eggs, picked all of Nathaniel’s too and opened them up for him.

Nathaniel really just sat there, looking tired and a bit out of it. But still incredibly cute.

The two boys surrounded him and made sure he was well taken care of. And so ended his first Easter.

A little while later, he felt much better and by bedtime he was giggling up a storm. David and I would “boo” and he’d giggle and giggle; it’s incredibly joyful to hear a little baby giggle.

As promised, I didn’t do a thing all weekend. I finished my book, started another, made some plans for the week, played with my kids, and today we watched a movie, did some crafts and that was about it. Just a fantastically relaxing weekend. I am looking forward to doing some art and catching up on my todo lists this week. Let’s hope it’s a productive one.

Oh, and, have to go to the doctor again tomorrow for the little boy 🙁 I don’t know what’s going on with him, I hope he’s ok.

Note to Self:
There was a moment today when all four of us were sitting on the couch, watching a movie on Jake’s computer. It wasn’t an amazing movie or anything but just sitting there, being together, doing something perfectly ordinary was the best moment of my weekend. I love my family so much and I am so grateful for ordinary moments. The magic of everyone being nearby, quietly enjoying each other’s company. It’s rare and I am so thankful for it.

I also meant to mention that yesterday, when we were in San Francisco, we went to a Vietnamese restaurant for lunch with our friends and this other couple approached us as they left and said “You have the most amazing kids.” They said they were so jealous of how well behaved our kids were and that their kids would be running around. Our kids really are well-behaved and sweet and mostly quiet. Not that I don’t know it, but it was a good reminder of another thing I should be more grateful about.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Watching a movie with my whole family. All of us on the couch.
2. Watching David hunt for eggs and watching him watch out for his little brother. He’s such a kind soul.
3. Craft time with David. I love doing anything with him. I love that we get to sit and paint.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Easter egg-hunt of course!
2. Watching a movie with Mommy and Daddy (and Nathaniel).

1 comment to Daily Diary – April 4 2010

  • Hello there
    I have been away for three weeks and have just finished catching up on all your goings on and getting the downloads.
    Many thanks for them.
    Great photos too.
    You are such an inspiration to me.

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