52 Things – Renew my wardrobe

Here’s this week’s item:

3. Renew my wardrobe

I’ll admit, I thought this was one of the few items that would not get done in 2010. I have always felt that I shouldn’t buy anything new until I lose the weight I’ve wanted to lose. I’ve felt overweight as long as I can remember and having Nathaniel didn’t do much to alleviate this problem. Even though I’ve not been dieting or exercising in the least, I’ve also “punished” myself by not allowing myself to buy anything new. The fact that I abhor shopping didn’t hurt either.

When we moved to this house, almost a year ago, I bought two pairs of jeans and six long-sleeve T’s from GAP and that’s all I’ve been wearing ever since. Literally. Until my mom came, I hadn’t even walked into my closet except to get shoes. I was avoiding it like the plague.

And then I went away on the retreat which caused a profound change in me.

I’ve always hated having my picture taken. I think many photographers do. Anyhow, I really did. I’ve had issues with my looks for as long as I can remember. And this retreat was no exception. I just didn’t want to be photographed. For the first day or two I wore my hair up and didn’t wear any makeup (like always) but then one day, I wore my hair down and one of the girls grabbed my camera to take a photo. The shot was mostly of Nathaniel but I could see my hair in it. And it completely freaked me out.

I cannot even tell you why exactly but that one image caused a complete switch in my brain. My hair, my face, my clothes, they all disgusted me. I mean that literally. I decided that was it and I would not continue to look this way for one more minute. Yes, ideally I would exercise and eat better and look better, etc. And I do plan on doing those things, but I wanted to look and feel better about myself right this minute. Without waiting for the pounds to come off. This wasn’t something hypothetical for me. Not like “I should really do this..” but it was tangible and it was going to happen.

So I made a list of things I wanted to buy, do, and change. Here’s my list from that week (not in order):

1. Cut off my hair. My hair was so long and big that I often wore it up and when it was down, it looked like a lion’s mane. It was often unkempt and I just did not like it. I wanted to cut it so it had to be worn down and I would be more tempted to take care of it. Luckily I happened to have a hairdresser appointment two weeks from then so I got it dyed, cut, and highlighted all in one appointment and I love it. It’s so much easier now.

2. Buy and use basic makeup I don’t wear makeup because I tend to never remove it and it’s too much work. But I like the way it makes me look when I wear little bits of it. So I bought a new mascara (cause mine was many many years old) and I now wear some blush, mascara and lipstick when I go out. Not at home unless we have visitors.

3. Get rid of clothes in closet and shoes It may not seem it, but mom and I got rid of just about everything in my closet and left only the things that fit well and things I loved.

4. Buy a new bra I’ve been nursing for a year and plan to nurse for one more but the nursing bras suck. And the old ones don’t fit just yet. So I bought a pretty, high quality, new bra and once I stop nursing, I will buy another few if I need to. It plays a strong role in looking good, if you have large breasts like I do.

5. Buy a few new clothes I love Thanks to Debi, I finally realized that Anthropologie had some tops that I might love and could fit me even though I am not a size 0. I went with my mom and we bought five new and beautiful tops. I love them and I love wearing them. Even though they are on the fancy side, I will wear them to the movies and to when I pick up David, etc. I don’t care if it’s too fancy. They are for me.

6. Jewelry I asked my mom to bring me some earrings and bracelets if she had any (my mom used to design jewelry) and I put on some earrings I love and a new bracelet with some noisy, dangly bits. She also brought me a new watch. I love them all.

And here we are. This is what I looked like last week. This is my hair after I did it myself (not from the hairdresser who always does an amazing job.)

And one with my awesome parents.

I still need to work on the emotional side of it all but I feel so much better and nothing I did took a lot of effort or money. But I will continue to work on it. I want to look better but most significantly, I want to feel better.

8 comments to 52 Things – Renew my wardrobe

  • I had no clue that taking that photo of you had such an effect on you! You look fabulous. Congratulations on taking care of yourself and YAY for Anthropologie!

  • Jan

    I noticed that there wasn’t much color in your closet. One bright blue jacket and one periwinkle long sleeved blouse among the grays, blacks and drab greens and browns. Spice it up! Add just a little color. You would be surprised at how it will brighten up your mood.

  • Cheryl

    You look amazing! I love the cut. Personally, I don’t think the top is too dressy. My opinion is that you wear what feels comfortable. If that makes you a non-conformist, so be it. You need to be comfortable in who you are…mother, wife, programmers, whatever. You need to be comfortable.

  • I agree that you need a little colour especially for spring.
    I am proud of you for showing us your cupboard, I loved eye-ing your shoes too.
    I have mainly black shoes but you have a fantastic selection.
    You look just like your Mom. Beautiful.
    I wish I had hair as thick as yours, I have to blow dry mine every day to pretend it has some body.
    Keep it up.

  • I love that you mention your Mom being a part of your transformation. My mom also plays a huge roll in the things that I want to change. She’s a strong rock for me.

  • Amadee

    I am in your “Find your way” class at BPC and “snooping” around on your blog ever since – simply because I don’t know anything about you and your life, where you live, where you come from and what you do. However, your postings have inspired me to take the Soul Restoration class. And now I have come upon this picture of you and your parents and I just had to comment. You look so great with your parents – they look really European to me – not American at all. Thank you for being your real you on this blog – this is so refreshing.

    • karenika

      we are not American πŸ™‚ Well, I am now πŸ™‚ thank you for your kind words! πŸ™‚ I hope you will enjoy Soul Restoration as much as I have!!! πŸ™‚

    • karenika

      heh, well I am European after all πŸ™‚ thank you for your kind kind words!! πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy SR. I love love love that class!

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