Daily Diary – April 7 2010

Our CSA started up again this week and I was so happy to see the box. I was just thinking this week that I need to stop the cycle of eating graham crackers, coffee and chocolate for all my meals. And now I have fresh veggies and I ate a salad with carrots, tangerines, pears, and some of yesterday’s Batman pasta. Some vinegar and oil and I was set. Delicious even. I was thinking they should make a website where you put in ingredients you have and it spits out recipes. There must already be a site that does that, no?

I wanted to post some photos of what’s typically happens around here. Just to make sure I have a memory of it. Here’s David watching Pink Panther as he eats his green beans. Usually I am not fond of him watching anything while he eats but I’ve found this makes him finish the veggies faster and with less whining so I left him do it during the veggies.

Nathaniel had some mangoes today and I tried to have another go at the fork, but not much success.

Here he is crawling around with the phone and the Tivo remote. Something he likes to do quite often. He’s figured out that the Tivo turns on the TV so he can do that several times a day, too.

And he absolutely loves taking off the power cable of my computer.

And while he stares at it, and as he brings it into his mouth, I go for an emphatic “No!”

Which is then met with this face.

And this face.

And then this face.

And finally this one.

We do this several times a day. It doesn’t seem to get old for him, ever.

Another semi-productive day. I haven’t managed to do any art, yet but I am about to, I hope. I made progress at work and David’s first day back wasn’t so hard on our schedule though Nathaniel did not take his afternoon nap at all. I can’t believe we’re mid-week already. This year seems to be flying by too fast.

Note to Self:
I’ve been thinking for some time now that I need some local friends. People around here that I can hang out with regularly. Even if once a month. I would love a local reading group. Or an art group. Something that I can count on recurringly where I am connecting with others with some kind of similar interest. The thing is, I am not sure how to go about making this happen. How do people meet people? I am not entirely sure where to start which is how I’ve been stuck for months, now.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. We went to the accountant to sign all the paperwork and checks for the taxes today. It’s all done. It’s our first time using an accountant and while I didn’t like to have to pay for it, I am so grateful it’s done.
2. I am grateful for the quietness of the last few days. I feel like I am getting things done but slowly. I am not adding to my todo list and I am crossing things off. I am not stressing myself out. I am feeling happy and calm for the most part.
3. I am grateful for nice comments and kind emails. I write this blog mostly for myself. for keeping a record of my life. But i do love the comments, the emails, the connection with others. so, thank you, i am grateful to you.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Playing the Indiana Jones game in his Didj
2. Getting to make the lego cars with Mommy
3. Nathaniel (he had 3 today. he was grateful for Nathaniel)

5 comments to Daily Diary – April 7 2010

  • Crystal

    Girlfriendcircles.com is trying to solve the “how do i meet other women” problem. I’ve checked it out and it can help but I haven’t made deep relationships or anything.

  • Crystal

    Also meetup can be good for finding local groups by interest.

  • I love those photos of your little one.
    So deliciously cute.
    Your blog posts form a wonderful part of my morning routine.
    I missed that while I was away.

  • Kim

    Ha! Riley is seven and he’s just starting to use his fork regularly. He will still opt for fingers if I let him. As for finding a local community- if you figure it out let me know, I have been trying for the last year to do just that. I think we are a product of our global world. But local community has become important for me. Let me know…

  • Jan

    I too wish I could find a local community of women to be friends with. I am semi new to an area in the south where if you don’t fit there stereotype (which I don’t) they are polite but do not want to be your friend. I’ve tried a couple of different things, all leaving me feeling more alone than before.I think the west coast (I’m from Arizona) is a little more accepting, so maybe you’ll have more luck.

    The pictures of Nathaniel’s face are so precious. You will be so glad that you have a record of your day to day with your children. Mine are grown now and I never thought to do this. Now I do however and they have gotten used to the camera being out and don’t turn their faces away as much as they use to.

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