Daily Diary – April 14 2010

I still remember years and years ago when I was in sixth grade, I took this exam when I was first learning English and there was a reading piece about daisies. One of the few flowers whose name I knew.

Today was a crappy day from the beginning. Nathaniel woke up at 4:30 and would not go back down. I was already feeling overwhelmingly tired and sick and drippy. He didn’t take but a 30 minute morning nap and would not fall asleep until 2pm. It was a LONG day and I didn’t get anything done all day. I just lay here in between sleep and wakefulness. What a waste of a day.

Thankfully David was an angel. He played with Nathaniel for a long time.

And Nathaniel practiced his water drinking skills. He loves that so much he won’t stop drinking all day long.

David brought out all of his legos.

And spent the entire day playing with them. I mean for hours and hours all by himself. He’s incredible.

Nathaniel played for a long time, too. In between nursing which he likes to do 15 times a day.

So an uneventful and long day here. I am tired and worn out and I need to just lie down and read my book and go to sleep.

Note to Self:
There are days when I just need to call it quits and do nothing. I mean literally nothing. Today was one of those days where I felt like I should be doing something the whole time. Instead, I should have just stopped. Lay on the couch, played with my kids, took a nap. Sometimes it’s best to actively take a day off.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. We watched Glee as a whole family and sat on the couch, held hands, and laughed.
2. Jake came home early tonight and he also went to go out and get groceries and even bought dinner. I am so grateful for him.
3. I am grateful that both kids are in bed now and I can just relax and then go to a blissful sleep (I hope.)

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Because he was such an angle, David got to play 20 mins of Wii tonight again and of course he was super-thankful for it.
2. He said he was very grateful for his lego time!

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