Daily Diary – April 23 2010

I bought tulips again. I need to buy tulips every week.

And day 5. Today was challenging for me. I took most of the shots with my little camera while we were out and about. After we picked up David, we went to the grocery store to get Nathaniel’s birthday cake and a bunch of groceries we needed.

It was a long trip and the kids were wonderfully behaved but by the time we got home, we were all starving. After the kids ate, I made myself food again. Asparagus this time and some Mediterranean salad I’d bought at the store. It was all delicious.

Jake came home early and took David to Chuck’e’Cheese for the first time. I’m told it was fun but we won’t be repeating it anytime soon.

Today was David’s Wii day this week cause tomorrow is a hectic day. While he was out, Nathaniel wanted to eat the remotes and got really mad at me for not letting him.

And since I hadn’t done a good job today, I asked David to smile for me so I could get a good shot of him for the day.

Not the best but I’ll take what I can get. I’ve already done the pages for today. Since my friend will be here tomorrow, I am guessing tomorrow’s pages will get done on Sunday but I am happy to be caught up because it’s much easier for me this way.

I am feeling apprehensive about the weekend. Even though it’s not really a lot, I feel like there’s a bunch of stuff going on and I am going to be so tired. I feel like I need to relax and let it go, I am stressing well in advance and likely it will be wonderful.

Note to Self:
I am so grumpy lately that it’s almost unbearable to me. I have these terrible headaches and jaw-aches (i have TMJ) that are driving me crazy. I am unproductive all day long but have a growing todo list and thus refuse to go to sleep and rest and yet I don’t actually do anything when I am up. I am mean to everyone around me. And my bad mood is only generating more bad mood for me. I don’t know how to get out of the cycle. I think it’s likely hormonal but it still sucks and I want to figure out how to snap out of it. Getting caught in these cycles is one of the most frustrating things to me and if I could build a toolset of how to get out of them, I think it would be a lifesaver.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I’m grateful for my life. Despite the fact that I’ve been feeling more down and introspective and unmotivated than usual, I am still fundamentally feeling happy. This is a huge shift for me. I cannot tell you what an amazing gift that is.
2. I often send emails to reach out to people I like to help. I might read that someone needs technical help or something else that I know and I will email them and offer to help. Sometimes people take me up on it and other times, they ignore me. Today someone gave me the opportunity to help and I am grateful for that. It helped me as much as her.
3. Grateful for a full but exciting weekend with birthdays, best friends, and hopefully some rest.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Legos are still on the top of his list.
2. Jake came home early today and took him to Chuck’e’Cheese. It was a blast for him.

4 comments to Daily Diary – April 23 2010

  • Ashlie

    Laughed about Chuck E Cheese! I have been avoiding that place! Hey-I have a techie question. How do I reduce the video clip files in order to email them or blog post? Is there an easy clue?

  • Laura

    The internet is such an oddity that creates a sense of knowing someone that otherwise we would have never met.

    …I am a beginning photographer and so am always on the hunt for sites that inspire me in my journey. Your’s is one of three that I visit daily. Your photo’s are stunning (even the ones you comment on being ‘not your best’ still move me to go pick up my camera more)…
    Your April 23rd entry “Note to Self” hit home and resonated with me to the point I needed to comment. Trying to remember to ‘breath’ through my ‘grumpies’ is the absolute hardest thing ever. Reading your request for a toolset actually made me giggle (and wish for the same thing).
    It was as though you stepped into my head and wrote down exactly what I am feeling myself today including the #1 ‘grateful for…’ item. It’s nice to know we are not alone and that when we see in black and white what our inner voice is bombarding us with, it softens the intensity somehow.
    You’ve made a difference today – and your willingness to share your life journey so genuinely with all us ‘strangers’ continues to make a difference and inspire so many more of us who don’t normally comment 🙂

    Thank you and I truly hope you got that ‘rest’ this weekend.


    • karenika

      Laura, thank you so much for your kind words. It makes me feel so warm knowing I am not alone, too. If you ever do find a toolset I hope you share it with me, too! thank you for taking the time to come and comment. I know it takes time and I appreciate it more than you’ll know.

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