Daily Diary – April 25 2010

So we started our day with a delicious breakfast at the local cafe with Levent. And then there was hugs good-bye. walks at the park, naps, and lots of playtime. I will just leave you with some wonderful photos from our day.

I’ve also finished my Week in the Life project. Still only digital. I will post all my pages soon. I need to go to bed now.

Note to Self:
Despite the fact that I’ve struggled to accomplish things last week and I had no time to catch up this week, I am feeling great about things in general. I feel like the sense of peace I so wished I always had is finally here and covering me like a blanket.

And it’s as amazing as I hoped it would be. I feel a sense of calm, belonging, and contentment. (I think the word contentment is underrated. Being content sounds like settling, but I think feeling satisfied about one’s life is exactly the perfect way to be. Knowing that things are good, loving what is. I think that’s the key to happiness.)

Of course, I still have a million things I want to accomplish and many times I feel frustrated, insecure, sad etc. but overall, I feel much happier, much more grounded, and a consistent sense of peace in my life. And I want to write this down so I can remember it forever.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a stroll around the neighborhood, taking photos and enjoying nature.
2. I am grateful for a day of rest and relaxation and enjoying both my kids, watching them play and giggle together. Nothing better than that.
3. I am grateful for spring. This morning, as we left for breakfast, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping and I just felt a deep sense of peace. Peace was my word for 2009 and it looks like I have finally achieved it. For that alone, I am deeply grateful.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Getting to have a croissant and apple juice for breakfast.
2. Going to the park and getting to play. And for Nathaniel’s new duplos. And wii time, too.

2 comments to Daily Diary – April 25 2010

  • Cheryl

    Unbelievable! The love in Nathaniel’s face – for David. Unbelievable. Just gorgeous.

  • Kim

    Sweet, sweet pictures. I agree about feeling content. It may not be there all the time every day, but when you know you will come back to it, or even when your stressing and you don’t know you will come back to it, when you do, it reminds you that you never really were that off your center as you thought you were when you were stressing. Not sure if that makes sense. Last year my word was “Peace” and I worked hard and I believe I achieved it, at least in a general sense, but also a wide-spread inner sense. This year I’ve been knocked off my center a number of times with some pretty big issues but underneath all the feelings and chaos is that peace, or perhaps contentment. But not with the details of my life, with what I’m coming to understand about life in general.

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