A Book a Week – House Rules

I have mixed feelings about Jodi Picoult. I’ve loved some of her books (like My Sister’s Keeper) but found others to be too over the top, too dramatic, almost for the sake of drama. And all of them are so sad. So, for the longest time, I had stopped reading them. But then House Rules came out and I decided I wanted to read it.

The good news is that the book was much less dramatic than most of her other ones that I read. The characters were engaging and the plot interesting. The bad news is that it’s also a whodunnit story and I totally guessed the ending very early on. I kept thinking I must be wrong since it was so obvious and kept thinking she was going to throw a curveball but she never did. So, for me, that took away a lot from the story. Even though I read the whole thing in one sitting.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad book and I am still glad I read it but I can’t say it was fantastic either.

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