Daily Diary – May 6 2010

I’ve discovered today that I don’t do well during the 4:30-6pm timeslot. No matter what, I get stressed, cranky, tired and overwhelmed. I’ve been suffering from back and jaw ache and I now have allergies again which is causing me to have headaches and means medication and lots of tiredness and crankiness. All in all, not good.

But I am still loving doing my layout a day and I’ve just received the May kit from A Million Memories which is full of beautiful October Afternoon which I love so I am really excited to be ripping into it tomorrow.

I can tell you without a doubt that my favorite thing in the world is watching my two kids play with each other.

And they both love it too.

I adore them.

With all of my heart.

I love how Nathaniel looks at David and how patient David is with him.

And how he walks him around. (I know this is blurry. I don’t care.)

I adore them. They and my incredible husband are the highlights of any bad day. Of any day. I swear. Even when they frustrate me, my heart swells with love at seeing them. I know I say this every night but I think I am going to head to be early tonight. I can tell I need rest. I just can’t seem to get enough of it. I am really behind in email and I apologize if you’ve sent me mail. I am not ignoring you, I swear.

Note to Self:
I was listening to the Feynman book today on my way home and one of the letters starts by this gentleman explaining how he puts off writing back to his favorite letters so he can dedicate them the time and effort they deserve. Which often means they end up sitting in a pile for a long long time. This made me laugh because I do the exact same thing. With email of course. But when I receive a wonderful email, I always put off replying to it. I feel like I want to do it justice and I constantly put it off cause I never have “enough” time to give it the time it deserves. In the end, it means I always choose the urgent instead of the important. I need to fix this. I think it means the people and the words I value always get the short end of the deal.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am extra grateful for my husband today. He was an angel to me both in the morning and in the evening. He always comes through for me. over and over.
2. I am grateful for Advil. I’ve been having a lot of headaches and it really is the medicine that works almost immediately.
3. I got to go out last night and have dinner with several of my workmates. It was quite lovely and I am grateful that I was able to take this time to sneak away, have some good food and some quality conversation.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. legos legos legos. yep. again.
2. david mastered his scooter today. here i was all worried he would never learn and boom he just did it. he loves loves loves it now.

4 comments to Daily Diary – May 6 2010

  • Lisa

    Karen we have “Happy Hour” at our place. It’s between 5 and 6pm and it’s called that because it’s as far from happy as anybody can get. It’s our family joke. Yippee Yeah its Happy Hour again – NOT…. I deal by looking towards that time when the kids are in bed – seems to help.

    Loving our daily layouts too – beautiful for boys. Bye

    • karenika

      lol I love that you call it the “happy hour!” yes it helps me to know they will be asleep soon, too 🙂 And I know it will all go by too quickly and I will even miss this crazy hour.

  • Cheryl

    Step back a second and imagine if between 4 and 6 you were on a crowded subway or driving in traffic. You are not alone with this horrible time slot. I have yet to find any other “cure” except to lie down for 20 minutes. Some nights I can’t even think about preparing dinner, the time slot is so overwhelming for me.

    I too love how Nathaniel looks at David…totally amazing to witness pure love.

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