Daily Diary – May 19 2010

Roses are….not always red.

Doing the diary early today as I am going out tonight as soon as the kids are in bed. Great day today so far. I did my layout, played with the kids, we even sat outside for a while, I did a whole bunch of work, and now I am doing bits and pieces of stuff before I go tackle my inbox again.

As we sat outside, I snapped photos of both of the boys. See all the food on his shirt? Everything always ends up on his shirt.

And the big boy with his funny smiles.

This photo is terrible but I promised I would take more “doing things” photos so here is one. I’ll do better next time.

I am feeling happy today. For no reason. Well I guess cause I feel like I accomplished stuff and that always makes me feel good.

I’m listening to Paperclipping Roundtable right now. I like listening to it when I am doing things. If you haven’t ever heard it and are into scrapbooking, I recommend it.

Note to Self:
I haven’t had to drive David to school this morning cause he’s on vacation for two days and it’s amazing the difference this makes in my life. The 45 minutes it takes to drive him and come back and then the other 45 mins to go pick him up and back (only 2 hours later) really breaks up my morning. It makes me feel like the time goes from 8:30 to 12:30 in a matter of minutes and then the day is over. I’m sure it’s half psychological but it still makes a difference. Soon, school will be over and he’s going to be home all day in the summer. It also means I’ll have to think of some alternatives because I am guessing he will get bored out of his mind. The schedule change will be a blessing though as Nathaniel is going through nap confusions between two and one a day. It’s funny the impact these things have in my life. But they do. And I am working on reducing things that add craziness to my life. I think that’s an area I need to work on. Finding things that throw me off so I can try to alter them. (sorry for the rambling today!)

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I got a whole bunch of punches in the mail today. I am addicted to them lately and they make me so happy.
2. Grateful to have gotten some work done today. Some stuff I’d been putting off.
3. Grateful to be going out tonight. I hope it goes well!

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Batman movies.
2. Daddy!
3. Legos.

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