Daily Diary – May 23 2010

Last night I went to bed at 6pm and woke up briefly at 7:30 and went right back down at 8:30 and slept until 4am when David came into my room to blow his nose (it was dark and I didn’t realize until the morning that his nose was actually bleeding when I woke up to find a bunch of blood on my sheets.

Then Nathaniel woke up briefly after, and thus began our day. I hugged my kid for a while and then did my page for today. Nathaniel went down for his nap and took a long one, look at him when he wakes up. He’s all pink and I love it.

And then he decided to turn the TV on and off for fun. He’s really good at that.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies. We’re both exhausted so it was really the very best way day to spend our day and add to that some delicious goat cheese sandwiches and I was in heaven. And now we’re watching more TV and I can’t wait for Lost finale tonight and I am off work for the next two days so it’s more of this. Yes! I need the relaxing time, I need the rest.

oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aksel and Jeff, I love you both so much!!!

Note to Self:
I’m listening to Rework and one of the things they talk about is the need for focused attention. I was thinking I need to do this more. One thing at a time. Set the kitchen timer and just focus on one thing fully. Hard with the kids but when Nathaniel is napping and David is at school and when they are both sleeping. There are chunks in the day where I could do this. And I need to do it more often. Regain some focus. It’s worth trying isn’t it?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I finally got some rest and I need more.
2. I am grateful that my husband sat with me all day and we watched movies and laughed with the kids and I am so peaceful now.
3. I am grateful for Layout of the day. I’ve learned so much in the last 24 days.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Legos. He’s still playing with the legos like crazy.
2. Daddy.

2 comments to Daily Diary – May 23 2010

  • Hi! I found your blog by hopping around and looking at crescendoh. I admire your statement of how you looked through old photos and came to a huge realization that was quite different from what you had thought. I really liked your blog. Your boys are adorable and good for you to go at your own pace!!! Kids don’t play enough! To be able to say with such grace how much you enjoyed your boys and your day is a huge testament to a life well lived!!

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