Daily Diary – May 26 2010

More of my anniversary tulips. There will be more. I love these tulips.

We had quite a wonderful day today. I worked on my layout, Nathaniel and David ate and then Nathaniel napped while David was at school and then played by himself while I worked.

And then we went to get David.

After lunch, the kids Skype’d with their cousin Maya and their paternal grandmother and grandfather. Nathaniel is really into Skype. As soon as he sees the ringing tone, he looks for the screen and gets all excited. He also loves loves loves music and instantly starts to dance when there’s any on.

And then Nathaniel did a bit of this.

And then we put him on his chair while David and I did some crafts.

I also wanted to capture this little gem. He always likes to put his foot under the tray. He straightens his leg and sticks it right against the back of the top of the tray. Love these little quirks.

And now we’re winding the day down. I am about to go put the kids in the tub and we start our night routine. Daddy will watch some iphone movies with David and then they sleep. Then I get a few hours to unwind, read, and relax. And then bed.

What a wonderful life. I am so grateful.

Note to Self:
Now that the month is almost ending, I am trying to think of my project for June. I know the AMM kit will be coming in a week or so and I have to do more layouts but I still want to come up with something else for the month, too. I love getting up and being creative first thing in the morning. Maybe it’s finally time to jump into my portraits class with both feet which also means a return to my art journal, which I am ashamed to say is sitting untouched, no journaling, no art, nothing. I also have a whole bunch of creative therapy catalysts to work on. Maybe that should be my next priority. Maybe a combination. Maybe some stitching? I am not sure. Still exploring ideas. Anyone have suggestions?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. Getting some of my “really need to do this but I am putting off” items done for work.
2. Craft time with David. Loved today’s project!
3. Watching my kids Skype with their grandparents and cousin. It was so awesome to see how into it they were and how great it was to discuss the day’s events like they lived right here. I am so grateful for technology.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Craft time with mommy.
2. Daddy.

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