Daily Diary – May 29 2010

Another one from the academy of sciences.

Today kept feeling like Sunday. I’m glad it isn’t. And it was a relatively productive day. I did my layout, finished my book and when Nathaniel woke up from his nap:

we went out to lunch to this French cafe we discovered that we love. We then went shopping for some of the items we needed to stock up on and as Jake and the kids were unloading, I snapped these photos.

David helps his Dad by carrying the grocery bags to the kitchen.

And Nathaniel likes to just hang out by the door when it’s open.

My sweet boy. Love him and those blue eyes.

It was David’s Wii day so he played while Nathaniel played with his toys.

And I practiced more and more of my crochet. Getting better at it. Still got a loooong way to go.

I had a hair appointment today but my stylist got sick and had to reschedule, then I made an appointment for a pedicure only to show up and find out they were closing. I had to reschedule that. too. It was one of those kinds of days. Now the kids are playing in David’s room while I sit with them and type this up.

My plans after they go to bed are to write my third lesson for the upcoming Big Picture Scrapbooking class. I want to get most of the content down this weekend so that I can perfect and tune the class in the time left. Let’s see.

I’ve already started the next book: East of Eden. It’s 1450 pages on my reader. Ugh…. but I’m told it’s really good.

So some writing, some reading, some June planning, choosing the photo for tomorrow’s layout, and then bed for me tonight.

Note to Self:
I’ve learned that, for me, doing an activity for at least 30 minutes is necessary. It takes me that long to get in the groove. In programming, we generally call this being in the zone. It’s one the reasons meetings are evil (amongst many others) because it takes a while to get into the zone and then you perform at your highest when you’re there until you feel like you rode it all the way through. For me, this applies to doing scrapbook pages or art. It applies to writing. That’s why I plan and then sit and write the whole lesson in one shot. It works much better for me when I have the flow. It also applies to reading. I get into a book much more after I’ve focused on it for over 30 minutes. (so 10 pages a night might eventually help me finish a book but I don’t really ever get into it that way.) It even applies to learning something new. When I’ve been crocheting for over 35 minutes, I am much better at it and at picking up new things than I am if I do 10 minutes a day. So this means that I need to set aside at least an hour per activity to really do well and get enjoyment out of it. Good to know.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. A delicious lunch (goat cheese, salad, and pesto panini), on a beautiful day, with my wonderful family.
2. Finishing my book. I really loved it. Rare for me to love a short-story collection this much.
3. The sense of calm and peace I am feeling. I am thankful for that, I am not taking it for granted.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I’m grateful for the Wii-time.
2. Going out for lunch.

8 comments to Daily Diary – May 29 2010

  • I love these glimpses into your home, and the snippets of daily life I haven’t thought of capturing. My boys help me carry groceries in most days and I’ve never captured that. Great shots to delight and inspire.
    What is your next class going to be about?
    And do I need to start saving up for it, I wouldn’t want to miss out.

    • karenika

      Thank you so much, trying to capture more of the “ordinary” since that’s the most fleeting part of life I think.

      My upcoming BPS class is about creating your Book of Stories. it’s a process class that helps you develop a process for keeping track of all the stories you want to tell/scrap. It helps you gather, sort, store, and use your stories. I am passionate about telling stories and so many people tell me that they don’t know what to write about when they sit to scrap so here you go, now you’ll have your own list of your stories with you at all times 🙂 this will be a september class.

      I have another idea too but still waiting the “go ahead” on that one. it will be more design-ish focused (came out of my doing LOAD) and it will likely be 2011 if it gets the go ahead.

  • BSE

    Love the daily photos. Very inspirational. Ditto the question about the BPS Class. Would love to hear more details.

  • Jan

    Your photos at the top of you Daily Diary are absolutely incredible. Would you mind if I printed a few off. I would love to frame them and have them on the wall in my studio.
    I also would like more details on the class.

  • Jan

    Okay now that I’ve asked I think it might have been in bad taste, so wonder if they are available for purchase?

    • karenika

      Lol you didn’t even give me a chance to respond 🙂 I am happy to send you a photo or two 🙂 The versions online are low resolution so they are not optimized for printing. Let me know which ones you like and I will email you the 4×6 high resolution version.

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