Daily Diary – June 6 2010

Today started with me tired as always. I went to bed too late last night trying to finish off my BPS work. So I lazied around more than usual this morning after I did my layout. I read a whole bunch of East of Eden which I am halfway through. We then went to the neighbor’s for lunch and the kids played a lot and then when we came back home, I was so tired and drained that I lay on the couch and Nathaniel played peek-a-boo while David played legos.

He’s really good at entertaining himself.

Those are my pajamas, by the way.

And here’s David entertaining him. Look at the way he looks at his brother.

I’m about to put them down and then have some more BPS work and have to get working on that catalyst. Hope your weekend was great!

Note to Self:
I meant to mention that we went to see The Secret in their Eyes the other night for date night. Great movie. Made me realize it’s worth taking the time to see good movies just like it’s worth reading good books. They take more mental energy but they are worth it.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am really enjoying my book now, love being at that part where you’ve really gotten into the story and feel like you know the characters in real life.
2. I am thankful for a great weekend with lots of quiet time and lots of family time.
3. Thankful for finally feeling like my BPS class came together well. I hope others will like it too. Always worry about that.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Mommy and Daddy
2. Playing with Ece’s legos

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