Daily Diary – June 8 2010

Last night was rough on all of our family. David woke up with nightmares at 11pm. And then I woke up around 2am with a startle and freezing. And then Jake rolled over to me soon after with his own nightmare. And finally at 3am, Nathaniel cried out and had peed all over himself and the bed.

That made for a great start to today.

But I had begun my layout last night so I got up and completed a layout I made for Ali’s Summer-themed call. I turned out sort of the way I imagined it so I was happy but also drained. But then I sat and started planning my project for the BPS August promotion and that took a whole bunch of time, too. Between the two layouts, I used 47 photos. Amazing eh?

In the meantime, Nathaniel decided he wasn’t going to nap today. So he didn’t sleep despite my patience. When we finally picked him up, I got a lot of this:

and this:

here he is staring at me while I am at the stair landing between the two floors, taking photos of my layouts.

And here he is after some food that he chose to wear instead of eat.

Then David came back home and he was in a fun mood, too. So gave me one of his special faces.

While Nathaniel tangled himself up in the headphones and got exponentially more frustrated. Cause he also skipped his afternoon nap. (Oh, yes he did.)

So by the time I put him down, he was in full melt down mode. It was pure joy. I finally got him bathed, dressed, nursed and in bed and he just about collapsed into sleep. Here’s to hoping it’s a better night.

I have a feeling tonight’s tasks aren’t going to get done. I have to write up my project and that will take precedence and then I will be too tired to function. So that’s that.

Note to Self:
One of the things that’s been falling through the cracks lately because of all my designated projects is email. I have not been so good at responding to email. I always mean to but then forget or tell myself I have to finish my task first. And then more of it comes and the one I wanted to respond to gets buried down. It’s a bad cycle for me cause it still nags at the back of my mind so I need to find a better system for email. And as I say this, I think I found something that might work. Creating some sort of “Respond” folder or something that I can regularly clean. Not sure if that’s just creating more process. Well I will give that a try for a few days and see if it works. In the meantime, if you haven’t heard back from me, I am so sorry, I swear I am not ignoring you. I don’t think I am too important to reply. I am just completely disorganized. I apologize.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to have completed my project. I wanted it to be interesting and i think (hope) I accomplished it.
2. I am grateful that my hair dresser had to cancel so I can stay home tonight instead of drive while I am so exhausted.
3. I am grateful that Jake was home today and took David to school and picked him up. Lucky me.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. daddy.
2. my friends joseph and jace.

2 comments to Daily Diary – June 8 2010

  • Kim

    Sounds like there was some strange energy in your house that night. The funny thing is, when I am tired like you are, if I just get myself to my work table and do some art, I feel better, my head gets sorted out. Good thing to remember!

    • karenika

      I do the same thing too! 🙂 but maybe sometimes it’s better for me to take a nap instead. I really don’t think I am getting enough rest 🙁 u ok btw? thinking of you.

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