Daily Diary – June 11 2010

A quiet, wonderful day here. Some sewing, some playing together, a bunch of work, some more playing, some reading and of course some photo taking.

The little one is still snot-nosed.

But there’s still a lot of love and impromptu hugging here. It’s so lovely.

And David is so good at playing with his little brother.

Who is also so good at playing by himself. Not whining or needing me even when he’s all snot-nosed. They are such good players. Extra thankful for that since it means I can do work.

And they laugh together a lot.

David was so excited to receive the legos his grandparents bought him. He immediately went to work putting them together and hasn’t stopped playing since.

Except to be kind to his brother.

I am off to feed the boys and bathe them an on and on. Then I get to have some quiet time to do today’s catalyst. Then I get to read some and maybe start a project. Or maybe just rest. This weekend will be relaxing, or so I hope. And I am feeling peaceful today.

Happy Weekend.

Note to Self:
I’ve been slacking a little on getting on top of and staying on top of the blog. I usually schedule posts in advance for some of the recurring things to ensure that the posts do go up daily. But lately I’ve been a bit more “in the moment” which means I’ve been behind. And this does stress me more than I hoped it would so I’m going to have to pay some attention to it. Is there a specific day you look forward to? Or something you don’t care for? Just curious…

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my kids like playing so much. That they can play by themselves and together. I know this is a luxury and I am thankful for it.
2. I am grateful that my plans for June are going well and I am getting stuff done without feeling stressful or overwhelmed.
3. I am grateful to finally be going to the hairdresser tomorrow. I badly need a cut and a dye job.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. Amore and Opapa
2. My new legos

4 comments to Daily Diary – June 11 2010

  • Kim

    I love your daily diaries. I love peeking inside where you are, it’s inspiring and lovely. I also like your book reviews since I’m always looking for new titles at the library myself.

    • karenika

      i read yours for the same reason and i love seeing the rocks and the haikus! I am so sorry about your loss. I’m thinking of you continually.

  • I also love the daily dairy and often wonder how you manage to post so diligently. I always hope for some new art or scrapbooking layouts to admire when I come and visit.

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