Daily Diary – June 17 2010

This is one of the photos I snapped while we were on our walk yesterday. Love the colors.

Today was a miracle cause Nathaniel slept until 7am. 7am! When we came down, David was already in the living room, playing with his legos. They played while I worked for a bit. Nathaniel is still making sounds and raspberries.

And playing with his blocks, trying to be like his brother.

And hugging him like mad.

He was wearing one of David’s old shirts today. One that his grandma got him. It says Menemsha Blues, Martha’s Vineyard. Instantly covered it with food, of course.

And then he went and gave David some more hugs.

What I love is that David isn’t annoyed one bit. Even if he’s in the middle of something, he stops and hugs him right back. It makes my heart swell.

After the naps and attempted naps and some more playtime and worktime and lunch etc, we decided to take a short trip to Target so David had to finally get out of his pajamas.

We got some groceries, some eggs so we could make banana bread, diapers, a little album for me for my gratitudes, a pair of shoes for Nathaniel (he owns none) and a little blow-up pool for the backyard for Nathaniel, a workbook and a Lego minifigure sticker book for David (which he’s been playing with nonstop since we’ve been home). And now we’re waiting for Nathaniel to finish his dinner so the kids can go to bed and mommy can rest. Mommy needs her rest.

Note to Self:
I am feeling better. Not great but better. Able to quiet the conversations a bit more right now. Let’s see what tomorrow brings. I am going to try to be extra-productive with the little dangling tasks tonight and see if it helps, too.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for one small email that helped my mood shift significantly. amazing how that can work
2. Grateful that I found a wonderful little album to store my gratitude photos in. More coming on this later this month.
3. I decided to take the day off work tomorrow. Grateful for some extra undivided time with my kids.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. lego sticker book.
2. mommy (yey!).

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