Daily Diary – June 20 2010

Flowers, bugs, animals. Those seem to be my favorite subjects (except for the family of course).

Today I woke up before the kids. It was quite amazing. I opened my eyes scared of the silence and tiptoed over to their rooms to find both of them sleeping soundly. I came down and spent a few quiet minutes reading my book. Then David joined me. Nathaniel didn’t wake up until 7:30. A record.

While everyone else was sleeping, David and I finished his Father’s Day card and we excitedly waited for Daddy to wake up. Once he came down the stairs, David whipped out the card (photos tomorrow) and presented it proudly. I then made them all breakfast. Daddy wanted eggs with a lot of cheese so that and some blueberries and raspberries is what he got. David got to have a vanilla and oreo yogurt, some toast, and some graham crackers. Nathaniel and I each had one egg, some toast and he had some berries and graham crackers, too.

Wonderful way to start our day. Then Daddy took some alone time while the kids played and I read. I read two books this weekend and loved them both. Love it when that happens. Nathaniel went down for his nap and I told David he could play some more Wii since he was so good. And I kept reading. When Nathaniel woke up, we all went out to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Donato.

The boys didn’t accomodate me so this was the best shot I got of all three of them.

But I did take some individual ones. One of the big boy with the long lashes.

And one of the little one who just discovered crayons and how good they taste.

And one of the man of the hour.

We ate and laughed and talked and even drew on the table.

After we came home, the boys played some Wii while I finished my book. The minute they took a break, Nathaniel grabbed the remote to attempt his own game.

Dinner, bath, and the boys were in bed. When I leaned over to kiss Nathaniel goodnight, I threw out my back and it’s hurting like crazy. I am praying that a night of sleep will ease the pain so I am headed to bed really soon. I did a little bit of painting and might or might not get to finish my Weekly Gratitude work but I am not worried, I will catch up tomorrow if needed. I’ve already accomplished such a monumental amount this June that I feel really good about it.

Oh a few other things I wanted to mention: David has a tooth that’s wobbly. I thought it was too soon but I guess it might be falling out in a month or so. Wow.

And my butterfly photo got chosen by Pioneer Woman for group 5 set on bugs which also made my day.

I promised my friend Deb that I would send her an email this weekend about my exercise goals and while I’ve sort of been thinking about it, it’s been on the list of things I’ve been postponing doing. I just don’t understand why this has been such a struggle. I wish I could do better.

Note to Self:
I just wanted to take the time today to thank my wonderful husband who is also my best friend in the whole world and my companion in every sense of the word. I like him, love him and I am so in love with him. He is my favorite person on earth. I am so thankful that we found each other and that we stuck together. He completes my life so fully. He is the best father to our amazing two kids whose faces light up the minute he walks through the door. And so does mine. We love you, Daddy!

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My husband. Today and every other day.
2. Thankful for lots of quality family time today. I love my family so deeply and feel so grateful for them.
3. Thankful for good books. They can be such good fodder for thought, conversation, and entertainment.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii with daddy.
2. playing wii alone.

6 comments to Daily Diary – June 20 2010

  • Kim

    That’s qiute a day. Riley lost his first tooth in kindergarden, but some of his friends still haven’t lost a tooth and they are almost 7. I think it’s a very individual thing. My sister inspired me to put not only money under the pillow for the tooth but a book as well. Now Riley looks forward to seeing what book he will get. You inspire me too with the way you celebrate every moment. If anyone can make a happiness project happen sooner, it’s you! I’m reading Don Chaon’s You Remind Me of Me (after your recommendation) and absolutely loving it. And it’s hard for me to really get into anything at the moment, still adjusting and a feeling a bit wobbly myself.

    • karenika

      i totally understand. i think reading at a time like this is perfect. and spending lots of time with riley. i am thinking of you all the time.

  • Kim

    P.S. Riley and I made his dad a father’s day card for father’s day that had scratch-things inside – did I see that linked from your site? I’m trying to remember where I found it.

  • Monika Wright

    Congrats on the PW shout out for your photo. I went to see it and it is just beautiful. Wow…she has so many people to submit, it’s hard to even get chosen. Now, THAT has to make you feel gooood.

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