Daily Diary – June 22 2010

There’s something odd I like about this photo.

This is the kind of day Nathaniel had today. He woke up at 6, went down for nap at 9 and slept all the way to 12:30 and then was cranky most of the day.

But he’s still so cute.

David was watching his shows and Nathaniel played right next to him.

And I deeply admired how restrained David was. He did not yell at the little boy at all. Not once.

Then Nathaniel decided to topple over the whole box of legos.

And looked at me like he did nothing wrong when I got his attention. What? his expression said.

It was of course David who had to clean all of those and he did without complaint. My angel.

Book club tonight so I am trying to get all my tasks done before they get here.

Note to Self:
My back is still in quite a bit of pain. I wonder if this is someone’s way of telling me to slow down. Or just be less stupid when I bend down.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. My little boys. They make me so so happy.
2. Jake’s been coming home early and feeding the boys dinner. I am so worn out by night time that this is a tremendous help for me. I am so grateful for it.
3. I am grateful that my book is ending. It turned miserable and I can’t wait to finish it.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. batman movies.
2, daddy
3. doing toy story workbook with mommy
4. i’m grateful for myself.

4 comments to Daily Diary – June 22 2010

  • Kim

    David is an angel. This experience is setting him up for some special angel work in his life. As for your back, have you ever consulted an osteopath? A good one could help alot and a genuine one will not milk you financially. Their protocol is to have weeks pass between treatments and a finite amount of time before they decide if they can help. Shy away from any one who says you must go every week for six months. I have used osteopaths for many things with great and grand success. Email me if you want more information. As for Nathaniel, I can relate a bit with my own son. Mine rarely slept more than a few hours at a stretch, even as an infant. He still sleeps little and seems fine with only seven, max 8 hours a night. Yup, I’m not exaggerating. Naturally, I want more! Or at least more from him so that I can have some “alone” or “quiet” time. But I’m taking advantage of his kind demeanor and his very presence because one day he won’t want to hang with me and I will miss him. Your boys are precious, I know you cherish each moment. It’s harder when you are sleep deprived, even harder when you are also in pain and more immobile than you would like to be. It’s just what is, for the time being.

  • Mariam

    Bless your beautiful handsome blue eyed boy David, he is such a sweet soul. Bless you for bringing him to the world..and Nathaniel is such a cutie..I esp love his expressions.

    Hope your back feels better.

    And really I truly love your blog, its such a blessing to read such a refreshing and true account from a Mother’s point of view. You are such an inspiration to me 🙂

  • anne

    asikim bu torunlara kucukluk ayni sen inanilmiyacak bir benzerlik hepinizicok seviyorum

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