Daily Diary – July 11 2010

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I kept having nightmares, Nathaniel kept crying and my heart just wouldn’t stop racing. So in the middle of the night, I decided that today was going to be a quiet day. I was going to do my last layout for CHA and then I would take it easy for the rest of the day.

And that’s exactly what I did.

I woke up, finished my layout and then just took it easy. Meanwhile, Nathaniel started storing his toys in David’s drawers.

He carried them, stuck them in there.

And then congratulated himself by clapping for himself. We always clap when he does something good like doesn’t put something in his mouth but places in the trash instead, or when he cleans up. So he was congratulating himself for cleaning up. A for effort my son.

My beautiful little boy. Growing up all too quickly.

Around 11 or so, we started watching this morning’s Tour de France. We then took a break to watch the World Cup finale and were sourly disappointed (we tend to root for the underdog) and then went back to the Tour and that was an even bigger disappointment. What a terrible terrible letdown. I am not even sure I want to keep watching the Tour if Lance is giving up.

Around 3pm, Nathaniel started his grouchy time. So Jake held him while he hung on for dear life.

David tried to make him laugh.

And even succeeded for a while.

But we ended up with this.

A little food, a short amount more of playing and now he’s already deep in sleep. And david’s upstairs playing with his legos. Time for me to get a few tasks done and I think I will likely go to sleep early, too. I’m sad the weekend passed so quickly but it was a good one. Some great family time. Some productive accomplishments. And a lot of rest. What more can I ask of a weekend?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for audio books today. For getting to listen while I do embroidery or while I scrap. Wonderful companion.
2. I am grateful for an all-around great weekend. Simple but wonderful, just the way I like it.
3. I am grateful for my new embroidery sample, it’s making me very very happy today.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. getting two gold stars while doing math with mommy.
2. wii time (he got to play a tiny bit today).
3. daddy.

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