Daily Diary – July 16 2010

Somewhat of a blah day here for no good reason. It was a mediocre day where I felt unmotivated and thus accomplished little. But I did rest. I’ve been trying to make sure to focus on rest. I can tell my mind and body both need it. I also know school and life and adjusting to new routines will be starting up really soon and so I am trying to enjoy the “nothing to do” and not rush myself through it.

I don’t usually like to post photos with diapers in them but I love this one of Nathaniel trying to put the ipod just like he’s seen David do it millions of times.

This is what David often does when I ask him to smile. Sigh.

David loves playing with Nathaniel. Making him laugh, surprising him.

Here’s Nathaniel, moments before he puts his finger in his mouth. I love catching moments like this.

Here’s another one of my favorite things that I am glad I caught. As I prepare food for him, Nathaniel likes to watch me through the holes in his chair. I love seeing these tiny eyes peering with anticipation.

A super-blurry shot but there’s something about the joy in David’s face and the entangled arms that speaks to me.

Here they are playing more. Wrestling. Laughing.

In the afternoon, David played with his squirt gun outside while Nathaniel watched and he wanted to wear his glasses for it. Missing teeth and all.

So thankful it’s weekend. And I have nothing to do. I plan to embroider, read, maybe scrap….no big plans is exactly how I like it. I hope yours is great, too. Come back tomorrow for some details on my new Big Picture Scrapbooking class.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the weekend. For some rest.
2. I am grateful for the yummy Turkish food in the fridge.
3. I am grateful for my relatively empty to-do list.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing with legos.
2. playing with my bug.
3. daddy.

2 comments to Daily Diary – July 16 2010

  • Kelly

    Your pictures are so, so good. MY question is this: How do you make the backgrounds so that they are either ‘whited-out’ or blurry. It puts the focus right where you want it and makes the softens the image. I love it.

    • karenika

      thank you so much for your kind words. I have a lens where the aperture opens quite wide. 1.8. so I keep it at really wide aperture which gives me a shallow depth of field and that’s how I get the blurry backgrounds. I have some photography videos I made a long time ago and I think some of them cover this. You can see them on the right where you see my categories. 🙂 thank you again for your kind kind words.

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