Daily Diary – August 7 2010

Last night was one of the worst nights we’ve had in a long long while. Nathaniel woke up around ten and then again midnight and just could not go back to sleep. I tried everything from ignoring him to hugging him to patting his back to whispering but nothing worked. He was just as frustrated as me. Finally around 2:30am, I just picked him up and put him in our bed. He fell asleep nursing and then woke up again around 4am which is when I put him back in his own bed. He cried for a bit but wen’t back to sleep. And woke up at 9am. Of course, David didn’t hear any of this so at 7am he was at our door wondering why we were still sleeping. All of this made today quite a long, difficult day.

Thankfully, Nathaniel spent most of it playing with legos. Putting helmets on little lego men.

Playing with whatever David dropped from the table.

Put them all in a bowl and then flipped it all over. Fun fun. Then put them all back and clapped himself.

When he leaned over in the couch, I noticed the punched butterfly on his foot and made me smile.

The three boys sat together for a while and just played and hugged.

And then Nathaniel played some more legos.

In the meantime, I finished my book and made another layout with the August kit and then we went to get the car (which was being serviced) and I decided I wanted to go to a cafe nearby where I like to sit and eat their grilled goat cheese and pesto sandwiches. Nathaniel came with me and David stayed home to play Wii (and Jake stayed with him.) We’d already done our reading for the day so it was ok to let him play.

When I came back, David finally got his turn for “riding on daddy’s back” and he was really happy.

The kids are finally sleeping and I am 100% exhausted. Not a muscle that’s not aching. Off to find a good book to curl with.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for getting the car fixed. As it turns out we had a flat tire and I had no idea. Actually all 4 tires were bad. I’m glad we got it checked out.
2. I am grateful that my kids (for the most part) get along and like each other. I know this will change so I am enjoying it for now.
3. I am grateful for my one hour of hanging out with just Nathaniel and eating something tasty and being outdoors. It does wonders.

Two Things David’s Grateful For:
1. wii day!
2. getting to break apart the bulldozer lego daddy got me
3. daddy.

6 comments to Daily Diary – August 7 2010

  • Ashlie

    I hate it when sleep is disturbed! We are in the process of weaning off of pacifiers. We’re good during the day, still working on nighttime. They fall out of their mouths and then they wake up about every 90 minutes or so (yes, both of them.) Then, I trudge to their room and put them back in….it’s lunacy! So glad you had a great week of acclaim in the scrapping world, though I don’t know anything about it! 🙂 Love to all!

    • karenika

      me too!! I am so sorry. i know my sister’s story about the pacifier was exactly the same. i do not look forward to when nathaniel’s 6 or 7 and still sucking his thumb though. how are you doing? we need to chat on the phone on of these days. i miss you so!

  • Your opening photo is breathtaking: very dramatic with the contrast between the dark colors and the glittery raindrops!

    Sorry to hear about your lack of sleep and bad nights. We’re having some rough nights here too but nothing as bad (yet)…
    On another note: Amazing how Jake and David have the exact same smile on your last pic!

    Hope you had a better night today…

    • karenika

      thank you! I never noticed that about the smiles until you mentioned it and now I can’t stop looking!! it was a better night, i think Nathaniel felt bad for me 🙂

  • My nights look a lot like yours, but I try to rest during the day. By the way, I love the picture of Nathaniel sitting playing with the legos. I love the way his toes curl.

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