Thank You

Since I am a guest designer for My Mind’s Eye this month, I wanted to make sure to post a copy of each of my layouts here, too. These all use the amazing My Mind’s Eye products. This uses this month’s sketch.

Journaling Reads:
David, before your little brother came along, I was hoping that you would like him and my mom thoughts you’d be jealous. But neither of us imagined how much you would love him and how nice you would be to him. Thank you my sweet son for being the best big brother ever.


When I first got the sketch, this is what I did with it.

Then I thought it was too blank and I added journaling and more stuff.

Journaling Reads:
My sweet, incredible boys, there are no words for the amount of joy, love and happiness you’ve brought into my life. You make the moments in every single day so much fun. You play, fight, share, hug, and laugh and I am regularly awed by the amount of love I feel just by watching you and being present. I love answering your questions and sitting with you and hugging you and seeing how your clever minds work. I can go on and on. You have made my life so much more full. I could never have imagined the amount of joy and I am thankful for it every single moment. i love you.


Then I still hated it and decided it wasn’t “me” so I did the one above. Which feels a lot more “me”!! 🙂

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