Daily Diary – September 10 2010

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always loved snap dragons. They are so wonderful.

Today was mostly a rest day. The last few days were a whirlwind. I had the inlaws, a lot of work, and I had to get some layouts for Margie for her HSN show. All of that was done yesterday so I had allowed myself to rest a bit today. And rest I did. I did some more catching up on personal work and work work and then I tried to rest. But if there’s even such a thing, I am too exhausted to rest.

Nathaniel was a bit off too. He wouldn’t take his nap and was in a funny mood.

This photo is blurry but I wanted to show you how he chipped off part of his front tooth a few days ago. He was mad and hit it against the tub.

David and I practiced some more smiling. Tuesday is his class picture day.

Nathaniel loves the outdoors so much. He is super happy when we’re in the yard.

Love of my life.

David decided to pull him around a bit and he loved it so much!

So did David. Here, he’s gassing up. Heh.

About to put the kids down and then rest and relax the rest of the night. My birthday weekend so I get the weekend off, right?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for the beautiful yellow tulips and blue irises that came in the mail from my husband today.
2. I am grateful that the day was relaxed enough for me to be able to rest a bit.
3. I am grateful that I have nothing scheduled or required to do this weekend.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making a cherry pie craft at school
2. playing with nathaniel outside in the yard (pulling his wagon)
3. watching a little tv with mom

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