Daily Diary – September 11 2010

Yesterday, I opened the front door to find these beautiful flowers. My wonderful husband had ordered an early present for me. I cannot tell you how happy the colors make me.

Today was the perfect day in that it was quiet, peaceful, and calm. It was David’s Wii day but he spent the morning coloring as Nathaniel played and I read my book. We then put the little one down and David and I did some reading. Then it was time for him to play.

Nathaniel took his nap, woke up and took the other set of controls (which had run out of battery) and thought he was playing, too.

I snuck in one more smiling-practice. We’re running out of days and it still looks funny. Though it does seem to be improving, no? I know it’s no big deal, it’s mostly for fun than anything else.

I spent the morning looking at some inspiration and finally did the cover of my December Daily album in the afternoon. I bought a 6×6 American Crafts album this year. More on this later of course.

I love how hard Nathaniel focuses on the little lego pieces. putting them on and taking them off.

I don’t know how I caught this shot but it’s a rare peek into his mouth which he won’t let me look at. Looks like almost all the teeth are out!

And finally caught red-handed with the little pieces in his mouth. I am not too worried cause he knows not to do that and he knows not to swallow. So while I still watch him like a hawk, I do let him play with them.

And here we are. My last day as a 35 year old. I am now off to read my new book and cuddle with my hubby. I expect 36 to be even more fantastic than 35 was. Though I am not complaining at all. If there’s one thing I learned this year, it’s that I have a lot to be grateful for.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for my new December Daily cover. I love doing this album and look forward to it each year.
2. I am grateful that I finished my book. Not the best I read but it was ok.
3. I am grateful for a quiet day and for two layouts I did last night with a lot of joy and no stress.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. playing wii (he played wario and lego star wars)
2. daddy helping/showing me what to do on the wii
3. coloring

3 comments to Daily Diary – September 11 2010

  • I think maybe all that smiling practice is making him self-conscious. Maybe ask him to think of something happy or funny and see what happens. I also remember reading somewhere that “popping the cheeks” (my words but it means filling the mouth with air so the cheeks puff out and then letting go the air by popping the mouth) is supposed to bring a spontaneous smile to the face. Altho that might be too casual for a school picture?

  • wow, you’re well-prepared for december! I’ve had my idea in mind since last year, maybe I’ll pull everything together before November!

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