Daily Diary – September 14 2010

Happy Tuesday. I woke up exhausted thanks to my crazy brain and my inability to quiet it down. Little boy’s screams at 3am didn’t help much either but oh well. Such is life as a mama. We woke up and immediately turned the TV on to see this:

And just as David was complaining it wasn’t him, we also got some of this:

and he was so so excited. Screaming with joy. This was for Margie’s HSN show. And you can still buy the kit online. I made four layouts for her and I will show them over the next few weeks. But you can get two sneaks above. It was really quite a thrill to see my layouts on TV. Thank you, Margie, for the opportunity.

Then we drove David to the bus and came back home and got to work. Nathaniel’s been putting the little lego hats on his fingers ever since he realized they are the perfect size. It’s so cute.

And now he’s able to reach some of the crackers in the pantry. So we have to constantly remember to keep the door closed.

Around 2pm, we drove up to David’s school cause I had a meeting with his teacher (I am the room parent for the class) and then we drove back home. Daddy showed up soon after and David was thrilled to spend some time putting his new legos together. (They came in the mail today.)

A little running around, some food, and many smiles (and tears) later we were ready for bed.

Nathaniel’s growing up so much lately. He loves playing with shoes and puts them on and off all day long. He also still loves tiny lego men. And the fabric ball. And he can now climb up on the couch next to me and get down by himself. He’s also louder and screams a bunch. Which I do not love, but I still adore him to bits.

I’ve been really exhausted for days now and so I am very unproductive and feel tired and overwhelmed constantly. I am not sure what the cure is. I don’t seem to be able to sleep/rest enough. Thankfully, I don’t have huge deadlines but it’s still very annoying and I hope it passes soon.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful to get to see my little pages on TV.
2. I am grateful to be a part of the “i am enough” collaborative by tracey clark. i hope you read my words and leave me some of your own.
3. I am grateful for my husband and how very much he helps me and is patient with me and kind to me. I am a lucky lucky gal.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. putting together my new legos with Daddy
2. seeing Mommy’s layouts on TV and watching craft TV with mommy
3. playing Star Wars game outside during lunch

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