Stories of Twenty-Fifteen – Week 2

Here’s this week’s story:

Title: River Bear Sitter
In Nathaniel’s Kindergarten class, each of the students gets to have a job for two weeks. Nathaniel’s first job was Electrician. He said it meant that he had to turn the lights on and off throughout the day. He wasn’t crazy about being the Electrician.

For his second job, he got to be the River Bear Sitter. This meant that he was responsible for River Bear for two whole weeks. He could choose to take River Bear home each night and bring him back to school. Or not.

For the first week, he didn’t bring River Bear home at all. I had no idea what his plans were but he told me that he wasn’t required to bring him home and I didn’t push him.

But then on the second week, we were off for Thanksgiving so River Bear got to come home with us all day long for a whole week. Along with River Bear, we also got a little picture book which we were apparently supposed to fill (not that Nathaniel told me anything) with photos of him with River Bear.

So throughout this week, our goal is to get as many fun shots with River Bear as possible. Even though Nathaniel doesn’t seem to have a grand plan, he did insist that I take a photo of him and the bear in front of the Christmas tree. And he also said that we had to make sure to take a photo of him at our Thanksgiving dinner ( which was quite funny to me because no one, except Jake, is all that into Thanksgiving in this family. ) It seems he has a few plans for the bear after all.

I have found this whole process quite interesting. I had thought he would be super-into hanging out with River Bear and getting his photo taken as much as possible. But he seems to be quite laissez-faire about the whole thing. Which, I suppose, is a much easier way to go through life. Maybe he’s trying to teach me a lesson…

We shall see how the rest of the week unfolds, but for now, I’m enjoying all the photos he’s asking me to take and the relaxed attitude he seems to have towards the whole experience.

Stories of Twenty Fifteen is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

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