August 2016 – Daily Mantras – 02

Here’s today’s mantra:

Here’s what I believe: everyone has some good in them.

I believe that people are well-intentioned and given the options, they would choose to do good over bad in the world. And when they are acting differently, it’s generally a reflection of a tough time in their life, some area where they are struggling, some area where *i* am struggling so I am biased in what I see, or some current issue is bringing out their anxieties.

It’s possible that another person and I might have very little in common. It’s possible we might have mutually exclusive values. It’s possible that we might see the world from very different perspectives.  It might seem like there’s no way for us to be close friends. Or friends at all.

But they still have some good in them.

And I want to focus on seeing the good in everyone. I want to look for it actively. Especially when someone is triggering me: making me mad, jealous, sad, frustrated, making me feel small. Driving me mad. Whatever it is, I know that these feelings are more about me than the other person. I know that if I look for the good in them, I will also be helping myself step out of my own triggers. My own damaging way of interacting with this person.

And I know that if I look, I will see the good. And I love that. I love being able to find the good.

Daily Mantras is a Monthly Project for June 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.

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