Stories from 2020 – 22

Prompt: Adventure – 09 | Make a list of future adventures you’d like to embark on someday.

(I wrote this before covid-19, of course.) The big adventure of 2020 will hopefully be hiking Mt. Whitney. Jake wanted to do it in 2019 and was ok waiting for one year so I could do it with him. This means that I have to get in better shape. I have to work on improving my cardiovascular health as well as doing more strength exercises. 

Mt. Whitney is the tallest mountain in the contiguous US. At 14,505 feet, it’s no joke to do this 18-hour hike. And while I am terrified and deep down I don’t believe I could ever be ready for this hike, the idea of preparing for it is actually exciting to me. The idea of completing it feels like a lifelong achievement. 

I am already doing some of the work of getting stronger but I have to start doing the cardio exercises and following an exercise plan. Then, I think this adventure will become real for me. It will be a daily reminder of why I show up and sweat. A daily reminder of how I am shifting my identity from weak to strong. 

A daily reminder of the adventure of a lifetime.

This year I am planning to do something different than last year. Around last September, I stopped taking a lot of daily photos which then meant I also stopped scrapbooking. I have several of the Story Kit’s piled up. So I decided to switch gears a bit and see if I can use Ali’s prompts to tell my stories. I might (or might not) also turn them into scrapbook pages. In the meantime, I will just enjoy telling my stories.

Stories from 2020 is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2020 here. The prompts are from Ali’s Story Kits unless mentioned otherwise. I have started an instagram account for these, we’ll see if I keep it up.

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