Living Wild – 28

Weekly Intention: Here’s the deal. I am struggling at the moment. My brain is going a mile a minute. I am anxious about stuff at work, I am anxious about school next year, I am anxious about surgery my son will have in a few weeks. I am just tired, anxious, and a mess. So my intention this week is to give myself space. To notice my thoughts, remind myself that I am not my thoughts and to be really really really kind to myself. And I am going to jiust assume the best

This month’s intention is: July: Run Wild: Settle into the summer. Enjoy the wild. Use the energy of the sunshine and the long days.  Step into it. Honor it. Bask in it. I am definitely sitting in the sun but I am also definitely not going into the wild. I’ll have to think more on this one.

One way I will show up this week:  quiet.

I will go into the wild:  no plans this week either. i will think about this.

This week, I will pay attention to:my thoughts. where i am going a mile a minute.

One new thing I will begin this week: well i will be starting the new art. even though i still don’t feel like i have it down.

One magic I will create: no idea on this one 🙁 maybe i will send some presents to a friend.

One thing I hope to release: stress and anxiety still win here.

One thing I will join in on: new gyms are opening so we’ll see.

One area I will practice being open: i want to be open to the possibility that what my mind is telling me is not actually the truth.

I am looking forward to: having a more peaceful week hopefully.

This week’s challenges: i have two 6am gym trips this week.

Top Goals:

  • Work: make a plan for the week, start creating space, one more thing for packet. keep email clean.
  • Personal: continue with daily peloton + running + climbing, go back to eating the wild. draw. journal. do art. sleep earlier. continue 100 days of noticing. pick more friends to connect with.
  • Family: support nathaniel and david and jake. cook. walk. hike together. climb with jake.

I will focus on my values (love, learn, peace, service, gratitude): be ok with who you are. lean into it. assume the best of others. choose peace over anything else.

This week, I want to remember: i’ve been here before and I know how to get to the other side of this.

Living Wild is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2020 here.

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