Daily Diary – November 23 2010

I didn’t take nearly enough photos when I was in NYC. This is one of the few I took.

I’d like to say today was super-awesome with my new attitude but Nathaniel woke up 3 times last night and I was dead tired all day. I did a few of my todo list items, especially one big one but I still have a few dangling items I wish I could get to. I also have been thinking a lot about next year and my projects and my life in general etc. So that’s keeping me up at night too. Not in a bad way, just preoccupying my mind.

My little boys are being angels of course. Because that’s what they are.

David decided he was going to turn this box into a house and drew all the rooms in our house and the people in them etc. etc. Then explained it all to me for a good twenty minutes. Love this boy!

He then played with his Didj while Nathaniel napped and I worked.

After Nathaniel woke up, I worked out. My knee is still hurting and more than anything I am annoyed about it. I wish it would just go away and leave me alone now that I am finally working out. In the afternoon, they lounged around a bit while I worked. I love the way Nathaniel’s playing here:

And David played at sprout on the computer.

Then Nathaniel decided it was time to play with balls and convinced David to put this on.

I told David to throw the balls slowly and that Nathaniel couldn’t hold three at the same time. Alas, I was wrong.

And now they are eating and I am waiting for Jake cause I have to rush out to the hairdresser and then my parents will be here. I can’t wait to hug them!

I don’t know how many of you read my asides on the side of the blog but in case you didn’t see it, Tim Holtz decided to no longer have a design team and I just wanted to say that it was an amazing honor to design for him for as long as it lasted. I still remember the day I got the email from him and I was sure it was a prank. I hope you’ve enjoyed my layouts and thank you for all your kind words. I have more Tim stuff coming up and I will of course continue to use his amazing products on my work. Cause how could I not? He’s amazing. Thank you, Tim, for the opportunity.

And I also wanted to thank you for all your kind words about my pity party post. I really appreciate your kind words and will reply individually but I wanted to take the time here to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that we get a few days off work. I need it. I need to sit and relax and read and be with my family. I have two more projects and then I plan to sit and do nothing for a few days.
2. I am grateful that my parents will be here for a while. Not only is it awesome for me, for the kids, but it also means date night!
3. I am grateful for my kids again and again. They hugged so many times today that I almost cried. I adore them so deeply and am so thankful that they are in my life.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. making my box house
2. helping mommy by cleaning up {* his pick for the journal}
3. playing the cars game on my didj

3 comments to Daily Diary – November 23 2010

  • Lorna Mackinnon

    Your title threw me! Enjoy your time with your parents – as a Scottish woman living in the US with both our families back in Scotland, I can relate to your feelings about having family to stay.

  • Joanna McDonald

    I enjoyed your “things I & the boys got done today”. Your boys are so cute – what is the
    difference in age? I just read Lornas’ reply – so you are a scottish gal! I can really
    see why you are looking forward to a visit with your parents!! I have very little family
    left but I have a great deal of history on both my parents ancestry. On my mothers side
    the beginning was a couple who came from scotland. It was either 3 greats or 4 greats
    (grandparents) & I think it was 4 greats. I have a picture of both of them and as you know
    people didn’t smile way back then and he is about the meanest looking man i ever saw.
    Have a great time and thanks for sending me the interesting “daily News”

  • Sophie

    I just love reading about your day, what you do and seeing the photos of your boys. Thank you so much for sharing. It warms my heart no end to be reading about you guys and helps put my crazy days into some sort of perspective.

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