Bad Shopper

I spent a large portion of today looking for baby items that I am supposed to have before the baby comes. According to several places, I am supposed to have like 248 things before the baby even comes home. The small problem is that I absolutely hate shopping. Of any kind.

After reading the completely contradictory reviews on each item on amazon, I’ve decided I can’t do this online. I can’t do this alone either. I need someone who loves shopping to provide our trip with some enthusiasm. I am hoping my mom may fill the void. My sister is doing a huge amount of work over the net but I need a physical person here with me.

There are too many decisions to make and all of them seem incredibly important. I imagine all that matters should be that I get a bed, a stroller/carseat, diapers, and some clothes. Is everything else really urgent?

I figured carrying and having the baby would be the hardest part until the baby came, but I must say that the shopping is proving to be quite painful.

8 comments to Bad Shopper

  • Jay

    Spectacular photography. I love owls. Brilliant.

  • I *LOVE* your new lens too! Gorgeous photos! 🙂

  • bob

    This is a BEAUTIFUL image of a Screech — fantastic — one of my most favorite birds. Where I walk with my dog, there’s a tree which houses one — I just love watching her come out to stretch and look for food…. really nice image!

  • Cheryl


    I’m a professional shopper. I love it. Especially when I’m spending other people’s money. Instead of going to you, which is astronomically expensive — flying from Montreal…send me your list, I’ll send you the goods!

    Besides the necessities of bottles, carrier, some clothes and diapers. You might want to consider the following: at least one rattle, one toy that makes noise, one toy that stimulates, washcloths, towels, blankets, sleepers and, of course, Ivory Snow to wash it all in.

    I’ll ease the pain for you. I promise I’ll help anyway I can.

    Oh and check out

  • Cheryl

    Oh oh oh

    This one is perfect because it’s got all the linens and stuff………

    I’m sorry. I can’t do anymore tonight…just finished a huge assignment….too pooped to participate.

  • I know you intend to nurse, but I really do have to suggest getting at least one bottle. And a baby blanket seems like it would be indispensible to me, but I grew up with one so maybe I’m biased.

    I also suggest a hanging mobile to hang over the crib/baby bed to give the baby something colorful to look at. Not that it’ll be useful in the very beginning, but better to buy one sooner than later.

    Also, baby wipes and a baby bathtub. Tons and tons and tons of baby wipes.

  • I was the same way — it was so much overload… all the things to buy. In my, albeit short 2-month, experience.. I found that a lot of what they say you need is overkill.

    One thing I would recommend is a swaddle blanket. My husband & I love the Miracle Blanket. It looks like a strange straight-jacket (especially the natural cotton one), but it works wonders for helping a newborn sleep. The other thing I’d recommend is watching this DVD I got by Dr. Harvey Karp. In fact, if you want to send me an address – I can mail you my copy. I don’t need it anymore and I found it really helpful. It has to do with soothing and helping your baby stop crying and go to sleep.

    I don’t use mobiles – but then I’m not using a crib for Amira. She sleeps in an Amby ( and there is no where for a mobile to attach to. I love it and she does too.

    Anyway – if you ever have any questions for a newbie mom of a two month old little girl — you know where to find me. 😉

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