
I am a few days away from week 30. That means we have around 10 weeks before the baby is here (assuming it’s full term and not early or late.) A few weeks ago the doctor worried that my uterus was too small, but now I am measuring exactly where I am and all my tests (blood and diabetes) came out healthy. The baby’s heart is beating loudly and at the correct speed. So all seems to be fine.

Except that I’ve gained a lot of weight. I spent the first five months gaining a tiny bit of weight and now I’m gaining like it’s going out of style. I’ve gained a bit over 22 pounds and I don’t show any signs of slowing down. The thing that makes me mad is that I’m not eating any chocolate or chips or ice cream or anything that’s your typical pregnancy food. The only possible culprit is that I drink Orangina (maybe a glass a day) but I can’t honestly tell how I’m gaining all this weight. At first, I really freaked out. I asked the doctor if the weight gain has any bad implications on the baby. He said that there’s no correlation between weight gain and a big baby. The main causes of baby size are diabetes or a genetic disposition to having large babies. The main downside to gaining more than the desired amount is that I’ll have more to lose afterwards. (There are other disadvantages like my back might hurt a lot, etc, but I am not anywhere near that range for now.)

So all my worries are from being vain. The baby is ok. The pregnancy is coming along fine, yet I am spending hours crying because I’m gaining more weight than I would like. How’s that for a good mom?

14 comments to Whale

  • That has something to do with being a good/bad/adjective mom? Funny; I thought it had to do with hormones and mood swings.


    Hang in there. I know it’s rough, but this will all be a memory soon.

    (And yeah–if it’ll make you feel better, I totally give you permission to throw that line back in my face whenever I get pregnant.)

  • Cheryl

    Virtual hug. It’s okay sweetie!

    The minimum to gain is two pounds a month. Two pounds a month is mostly baby and water. If you gain 18 pounds during your entire pregnancy, you’ll be back to your original weight after the baby is born. You’ll still look pregnant, but you will have lost the weight. Keep that in mind. Four pounds over at 30 weeks is about as perfect as you’re going to get!

  • Cheryl

    Oh and did the doctor tell you how many heart beats a minute? Inquiring minds would like to know.

  • karen

    if i remember correctly it was 140 but i could be confusing it with something else. πŸ™‚

  • oso

    I feel like I’m probably starting to develop a reputation on your comment threads as a sort of weirdo, but I’ve got to ask, how do you pronounce “Orangina?”

    I’ve been debating with a friend of mine about this for years. I say it’s Orungeena, but he swears it rhymes with vagina. Any insight?

  • Osito, I pronounce it like you do. And I’m jealous that it’s relatively available in SD; you have to hunt for it in New York.

  • Cheryl

    140? I know the baby’s sex!

  • karen

    Cheryl, write it down somewhere and once it comes we’ll see if you were right πŸ™‚

    oso, I pronounce it like you, too. i think it’s an italian product which would mean it’s pronounced the way you do.


  • I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, Karen, considering you recently spent so much money on lenses, but.. this is probably one of my favorites from all the images you’ve posted lately. πŸ™‚

  • You’d think with all the advances in technology, ultrasound pictures would be clear. Amazing texture. These black and whites bring a tear to my eye. Nostalgia.

  • I can normally tell the gender from these pictures quite easily – but not this time. So don’t worry, I can’t spoil the surprise for you.

  • oso

    I would bet anybody an Orangina that that’s a boy.

  • bob

    I’m so thrilled for you … what a great shot… amazing…

  • Beautiful baby you’ve got there! Congratulations! Ultrasounds are mass cool, aren’t they? The ultrasound was when it really hit home to Paul & I that we had a baby on the way. There she was, heart pumping, fists moving… feet kicking, body twisting… beautiful. Congratulations again!

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