Life Goes On

I would like to say that life has gone back to normal in the karenika household but that would be a lie. I know that we will be establishing a new normal now that our household accomodates three, but I am assuming it will not look the way it does now.

The good news is that he has gained a lot of weight and is happy and healthy. No major or minor problems, thankfully. The bad news is that mommy is exhausted most of the time. She spends her days in her pink pajamas, eating, feeding baby, sleeping, working, and doing laundry. She has lost some weight but has a lot more to go and her back is better than expected but still in quite a bit of pain. While she is pretty patient with David, she’s short the rest of the time with the rest of the people in her life. She knows that’s due to exhaustion and it will go away. David spends his days eating, sleeping, peeing, pooping, and spitting up.

I had promised myself that I wouldn’t be one of those moms who constantly talks about her baby and that might be why I’ve been avoiding updating the site (that and a complete lack of disposable time). For the last three weeks, my life has been not much besides my baby and I assume it will be that way for at least a few more weeks before I start regaining some of my adult brain cells. I will start reading normal books again and having interesting thoughts again but, for now, I’m only concerned with the little one, making sure he’s well fed and all around satisfied with the service he’s getting.

So if you’ve been waiting for new photos or some thought-provoking entries (and I know it’s been a long time since we’ve had those) hang in there, they’ll be here in a while. I’m just a little busy enjoying the miracle of life.

6 comments to Life Goes On

  • Annie

    Oh, but I love reading about your baby too! 🙂 In fact, now I keep checking your site not only to see if there are updates but also to look at David’s beautiful eyes!

  • Cheryl

    In the chaos of my life, I need to see David’s serenity, his strong love for his mom. I’m here two or three times a day for a tranquilizer shot!

    Boys spit more than girls. Make sure you always have something on your shoulder. It usually stops at around 10 months. Giggle.

    AND, enjoy every second. It passes too quickly. You blink and it’s gone!

  • Cheryl

    This week, David will be one month old. Time to haul out the books and start reading. Time to initiate a bedtime routine of food and book. You know it doesn’t matter what you read…you could read a programming book, it’s the sound of your voice that will mesmerize him. Starting a love of books at this age will ensure that you get to read every night until he’s at least 10~

  • oso

    Yeah, I don’t mind baby talk one bit. Though I do think you should teach him how to stick up other fingers. It’s a handly (and universal I have learned) gesture.

  • Annie

    Happy one month anniversary to David and you!:)

  • Annie

    Sorry about the double post, but this somehow didn’t show up in the earlier one– ‘lol at Oso’s comment’

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