Daily Diary – January 13 2011

I’m keeping it short today. I am tired and grouchy so I think it’s better that way for all of us. My days are all the same right now. I wake up, I give kids breakfast, make david’s breakfast, read to david, take him to the bus, scrap, work, put nathaniel down for a nap, work more, exercise, work more. play with nathaniel. work more. get david. work more. make kids dinner. get them to go to bed. work a bit more. blog. draw my face. paint it. that’s about it. i have homework in my classes so i also try to do a bit of that. everything else falls through for now.

Nathaniel is still into the blanket. Not sure why. But I think it’s so cute.

Looks like a little baby, my boy.

My older boy. He’s so wonderful.

And so is this one. I am so blessed.

I am going to take some time to rest now and then I will go do some painting. Maybe it will restore my soul.

How are you doing? It’s been quiet so I just wanted to check in. I hope I haven’t been boring you. Let me know if you’re out there.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that my family is so supportive and so kind. They make my heart burst.
2. I am grateful for the kind words of all the people around me. Comments you leave here or in other places where my work is. I am always amazed by the kind words and never know how to reply. I just feel so thankful. thank you.
3. I am grateful that tomorrow is Friday and then we go into a three-day weekend. I need some extra rest and it’s coming soon.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that i played in the playhouse during choice time at school {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played with legos
3. I am grateful that I played on the computer this morning

14 comments to Daily Diary – January 13 2011

  • I’ve been reading what you’ve been writing. Been blogging a lot myself. And dealing with an infant who was feeling miserable yesterday. And trying to get myself settled in on projects I want to do this year, or finish from last year. All that sorts of stuff. I really need to go to BPC and decide on a class (or two) to sign up for and haven’t even gotten that far. :-/

    It’ll be nice when CHA’s over for you. Your life will get a little less stressful, and I know you’ll be grateful for that.

    • karenika

      maybe give yourself a little break? just pick one thing that inspires you/motivates you and only do that? and cut yourself some slack the rest of the time? I think feelign guilt for being so behind all the time wears you down. Well it wears me down 🙂

      • I wound up inadvertently giving myself that break. Now I just need to get back into the swing of crafting again.

        There were some things going on here at home that made me feel like I was getting further behind — had to do with hubby heading to Norway for work –and I’ve just finally gotten “caught up” on those things almost two weeks later.

  • shawnnita

    Hello. Thank you for blogging today. I really enjoy your photos, the reptile is great! Your boys are darling.

    I find you very motivational. SO much so that I’ve started blogging about it. Thank you so much. Your never a bore.

    I hope you get some much needed rest and I look forward to your posts.
    Thanks again 🙂

  • Lisa

    Not boring at all, inspiring actually.

  • Lorna

    I read your blog every day but don’t always comment. You are not at all boring, and have inspired me to read more books this year, keep an art journal (something I have started many times and yet not continued throughout the year), and do more online courses. I’m feeling happy to be more creative this year and part of that is down to you. You manage to get so much out of your day, and now I am too. So thanks for that. Keep doing what you’re doing and we will keep coming to read.

  • Diane

    Hi Karen! I get your blog delivered to my email, so I rarely come online to comment, but trust that I read it everyday. The greatest thing you have given me is gratitude. By far, that is my favorite part of your posts. To know that it doesn’t always have to be huge. That the small things are even better to recognize and be grateful for. Thank you.

    • karenika

      thank you! Yes, I love love love the gratitude too. I am so thankful to be doing it and you are absolutely right, the small things are the ones that are amazing cause there are new ones each day and they keep coming 🙂

  • Pat P

    Hi Karen,

    I’m a bit yucky this week, I have a cold and I’ve given it to hubby. Trying to keep going though. Hopefully we can all rest this weekend and feel better next week! Bravo for taking the Brave Girls on line class. I really wanted to, but I had already decided to do Ali Edwards “Yesterday and Today”, and Darci’s “Decorate Your Life”, so it seemed like too much all at once! I hope they offer it again later in the year. Have a great weekend, and even when you don’t get comments, I’m reading! 🙂

    Take care,

    • karenika

      Pat, are you enjoying those classes? I took Ali’s class two years ago and really enjoyed it. I am loving the Soul Restoration class. It’s completely changed my life already. Truly. If i hear that they are offering it, i’ll make sure to mention it here 🙂

  • Like you, I’m tired and crabby. Doing too much. Taking Yesterday and Today, Decorate Life, OLW, and working on Project Life. Preping to paint a room, re-landscaping the front yard, and dealing with a baby who got 3 teeth in 2 weeks. Trying to keep up with laundry. =) Please keep writing, I always read!

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