Special Day

Monday was my birthday.

It seems there are those who make a big deal of their birthday and those who prefer to completely ignore it. I have always belonged to the former category. I come from a family which makes big deals out of birthdays and I subscribe to the idea. It’s not really because birthdays themselves are all that special. To me, it’s just an excuse to stop and appreciate that person.

Sure we should treat each other like we’re special every day, but fact is life gets in the way. Most days are ordinary and we do our thing and try to treat others with kindness (unless we’re grouchy) but the day passes on and we sit in front of our computers, read our books, watch TV and do all the other things we do to spend time. I don’t know many people who regularly take the time to acknowledge the people in their lives. Most people don’t even work too hard to keep up with their friends. So that’s the point of birthdays, for me.

It’s an excuse to remind someone how much they mean to you. A reason to stop and think of them and dedicate a few or a lot of your time that particular day to them. So even if all the other days come and go, you know that on that day you’ll feel special and talk to all the people you love and take a moment.

For those of you who whine about getting older, I’d hate to break the news to you but you get older every single day. Nothing magical happens on the eve of your birthday to make you older. So stop being whiny on the morning of your birthday about that. Life isn’t about your age, it’s about how you’ve used your days. There are people who live empty lives for 80 years and those who live full ones for only 30. Which would you rather have?

This year was particularly peaceful for me. I woke up feeling exceptionally happy for no reason. David woke up to eat at 3am but then went back down until 6:30. I worked, I prepared for my shoot on Tuesday, I cooked and pureed David’s food. We played and talked and my family called and my friends called and my friends emailed and it was wonderful. Jake bought me presents. We went to eat an early dinner with good food and delicious dessert. It was very ordinary and very magical all in one. I realized on Monday that I am truly happy. I cannot remember feeling this peaceful in years. If ever.

It really was a perfect birthday and thank you for all the good wishes. 31 is looking fantastic so far.

2 comments to Special Day

  • Birthdays can be traumatic or an easy ride, depending on how you look at it. I’m turning 48 next month. Last year I thought I was turning 48 then until I got to counting back and realised I was only 46 and about to turn 47, not 48. I think how old you are is a state of mind. One friend asked me how it felt to be middleaged when I turned 30 and I was insulted that they thought I’d only live to 60! I’m 47 and have only just started a band and my art studio and am raising my 5 yr old granddaughter. Considering what I’ve done in the past 30 yrs, the next 30 aught to be a blast!

  • Kim

    Karen, I have to admit that birthdays for me have fallen in to the “faggedaboutit” category. I did have a good one this year tho – just a week before yours. I spent it alone with my 2 year old son. We went to the park for hours, I had a lot of phone calls with well wishers but no expectations, no drama, no disappointments. On another subject, I just finished Melissa Bank’s “Wonderspot”. Loved it but thought the chapter by the same name was the weakest in the whole book. I can’t wait until she gets her next book published and I also can’t wait until John Irving’s latest is in paperback or I find it in the library. 800 pages – oh boy. I agree with you about his work and “Son of the Circus” is the only one of his novels I haven’t been able to get through too.

    Contragulations on turning 31. David looks spectacular. I particularly love the look he has on his face on the photo of you kissing his head. He looks like he’s reached nirvana!

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