
It’s interesting how life works out where a small, tiny thing can
completely turn my day/week/life around. An inkling of something good is
all I need for all aspects of my life to get affected by that. And it
goes both ways, so it works for an idea of something bad too. It colors
everything else I do and everything I feel. It even colors how I feel
about future possibilities.

This reminds me about the dual
post I had made a long time ago. I think I am now feeling my
centered and happy self. I feel like I am at my best. There’s still a
tiny nag deep within, the part that won’t let go but I’ve been kicking
it regularly and telling it to fuck off.

The best part is, I am happier at home, nicer to Jake, more patient with
David, more relaxed about my other commitments, just in general more
pleasant to be around. Which then makes the people around me happier and
then they go home and affect the people in their lives. And next thing
you know, it’s a snowball effect.

And all it takes is a tiny idea. A change in perception. A change in
perspective. The possibility of a good thing and not the promise or
guarantee of one. I think that’s phenomenal. A tiny stirring in one
person results in tons of happier people.

If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.

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