Daily Diary – May 26 2011

Amazingly my headache was still around when I woke up today. But, even more amazingly, it completely cleared after I exercised. I didn’t even want to admit it but I know it did. Which made me so happy. I did all my list items today and did a layout and had a friend come over and did a solid amount of work. Which makes this day a success in my book.

David and I took our walk and then he was allowed to play on the computer. Of course, I needed a smile first.

And here he is focusing on the game.

I love watching his hands on the computer.

And how well he concentrates.

Little boy was happy most of the day even though he tumbled down the stairs (only a few steps but still!) as he crawled down them and got slight rugburn on his face. Made me cry more than him.

I love watching him and capturing him. Especially in the quieter moments.

And the funny ones.

And the smiles he gives me knowing I am there but not looking at the camera.

He’s still into drawing nonstop and asks to sit on the chair several times a day.

And I love that he loves it!

I am off to rest a little bit now and then maybe attempt to make one more layout. Things generally go badly when I try to make two in a day but I am going to be gentle with myself and see where it goes. I might also make a truth card or two. The headache is sort of back so I will also go to bed early and see if that helps. Thank you for all your kind comments in the last few days, they truly mean the world to me.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a lovely day of productivity, friendship and lack of stress.
2. I am grateful for happy mail for Maya Road goodies and for shopping for some art supplies I’ve been coveting for some time.
3. I am grateful for Christy’s class and all the videos that make my morning exercise go so quickly.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I got a Pokéman card. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I did more tracing at school.
3. I am grateful that summer is coming soon.

One Thing Jake’s Grateful For:
That the Stanford track has lights and that we live somewhere where it’s still warm enough to go running at 9pm. (He told me this tonight and I said that now he’s going to have to tell me one thing every day!)

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